Plus, how stock buybacks make inequality worse, and more…
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June 20, 2022


Liberals Need to Beat Samuel Alito at His Own Game
To win the war over the Constitution, the justice’s hollow originalist pretenses must be unmasked—and countered with new and forceful legal arguments.
by Simon Lazarus
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A National Refining Company could lower gas prices without giving up on climate targets.
by Kate Aronoff
The court’s conservatives seem eager to take apart the mechanics of liberal governance, but they’re having commitment issues.
by Matt Ford
In the lives of women from Alice Neel to Ursula Le Guin, motherhood was entwined with a quest to make art.
by Joanna Scutts
A new report on corporate excess shows how the explosion of stock buybacks is exacerbating economic inequality.
by Jason Linkins
From the Archives:

The GOP’s efforts to undermine our elections did not begin this week, and they were heavily subsidized by some of America’s best-known firms.

by Osita Nwanevu
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