People are working from home and spending more time on computers, but are less productive; Working from home: Why it takes a pandemic to improve work-life "fusion"
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Life after lockdown: Your office job will never be the same--here's what to expect

Reworking work: When you return to the office everything will look very different, and that's just the beginning of a set of changes to how and why we work in offices.

Additional TechRepublic resources

People are working from home and spending more time on computers, but are less productive

Working from home: Why it takes a pandemic to improve work-life "fusion"

San Antonio finds low code is the key to modernizing city services

Employee surveillance: With everyone working from home, you have to learn to trust your teams

Online learning, now at an all-time high, signals a new future for education

Report: What life and tech may look like after COVID-19

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Featured multimedia

How to overcome business continuity challenges (free PDF)

There’s no question that even after COVID-19, the hangover will be felt across all industries. The coronavirus pandemic has impacting small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in profound ways, regardless of sector. For businesses with disaster recovery and business continuity plans (DR/BC) already in place, transitioning employees off-site to a home office environment is straightforward. For organizations without a formal DR/BC plan, things are a bit tougher, as COVID-19 is forcing SMBS to evaluate their remote work capabilities and security. This free PDF download from TechRepublic provides SMBs with a roadmap for how businesses can continue and survive in today’s environment.

Featured survey

How are robotic systems currently used within your industry? How concerned are you about robots working alongside humans? We want to know. Take this quick survey.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

The new SMB stack

Picking the right tech vendors for your small or medium business can be hard, especially with the cloud and everything-as-a-service providers giving you access to enterprise-level IT. ZDNet helps SMBs build a technology stack that promotes innovation and enables growth.

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