In this issue, January 9, 2024 View it in your browser.

LinkedIn ML, MySQL & Javascript, OpenSSF SBOMs, Aurora Serverless, Java Persistence, Azure Migration, Uber’s Checkenv, Monzo Microservices, Kafka Pipelines, Hybrid Working

Level-up on emerging software trends at QCon London (8-10 April)

Learn from senior software practitioners who’ll share real-world technical talks on changes and innovations across topics like software architectures, APIs, data engineering, leadership, cloud-native, AI, LLMs, platform engineering, mobile development, frontend, security, working with teams, fintech, and more.


Sponsored by RavenDB

Deep Dive into the Architecture of an Indexing Engine - Sponsored by RavenDB

Deep Dive into the Architecture of an Indexing Engine

Join Oren Eini, CEO of RavenDB, as he explores the design and implementation of RavenDB’s indexing engine Corax, its impact on indexing and query performance, and how the engine addresses common challenges such as slow data retrieval, high hosting expenses, and sluggish development processes. Live Webinar, January 18th, 2024 - Save your Seat.

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InfoQ Cloud and DevOps Trends 2023

In this episode of the podcast, members of the InfoQ editorial staff and friends of InfoQ will be discussing the current trends in the domain of cloud and DevOps. (Podcast)

Technical Excellence from the Ground Up

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Tim Ottinger from Industrial Logic about ensemble programming, technical excellence and the future of programming. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How LinkedIn Uses Machine Learning to Address Content-Related Threats and Abuse

  2. Waymo Publishes Report Showing Lower Crash Rates Than Human Drivers

MySQL Introduces Javascript Support in Preview

Oracle recently announced that the MySQL database server now supports JavaScript functions and procedures. JavaScript for stored routines is currently in preview and only available in the MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL Heatwave. (News)


  1. Roblox Builds New Cellular Infrastructure to Improve Gaming Experience

OpenSSF Adds Attestations to SBOMs to Validate How Software is Built

The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) has recently announced SBOMit, a tool designed to bolster Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) with in-toto attestations. This development, announced under the OpenSSF Security Tooling Working Group, increases transparency and security in the software development process. (News)

Sponsored by Microsoft Azure

The Total Economic Impact Of Microsoft Azure For Cloud-Native Applications - Sponsored by Microsoft Azure

The Total Economic Impact Of Microsoft Azure For Cloud-Native Applications

This study examines how solutions like Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure Functions can be used to reduce the operational burden for developers and help them to prioritize business needs. Learn also about the cost savings of cloud-native development with AKS and Functions. Download Now.


  1. Microsoft and Oracle Launch Oracle Database@Azure for Azure Customers

AWS to Shut down Aurora Serverless v1, Their Sole Relational Database with Scaling Capacity to Zero

Recently, AWS notified existing customers running Amazon Aurora that Serverless v1 support will be discontinued, with the service scheduled to shut down within a year. The absence of scaling to zero in the newer Aurora Serverless v2 has raised concerns within the community regarding potential increased costs and the absence of a "true" serverless relational database on AWS. (News)

Sponsored by DoiT

From cloud practitioner to cloud master - Sponsored by DoiT International

From cloud practitioner to cloud master

Cloud Masters from DoiT is a no-fluff cloud podcast distilling the learnings from 140,000+ cloud challenges and customer experiences into tangible tips for navigating the cloud. Listen now.

Developing above the Cloud

Paul Biggar talks about Darklang, a language designed to run on the cloud. The server, operating system, kernel, hypervisor, container, load balancer, orchestration framework, database, queue, and web host are all below the level of abstraction. By combining so many things below the programming language abstraction layer, significant complexity burden was removed from the developer. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by Heavybit

Subscribe to the DevToolsDigest - Sponsored by Heavybit

Subscribe to the DevToolsDigest

A weekly selection of the best resources, product updates, jobs, and discussions in the devtools industry, curated by Heavybit, the leading investor in category-defining dev-first companies. Subscribe Now.


  1. Java News Roundup: GlassFish 8.0-M1, 2023 Highlights from Spring, BellSoft and WildFly

Architecting with Java Persistence: Patterns and Strategies

Explore a spectrum of Java persistence patterns, from data-oriented to domain-centric. Delve into Driver, Mapper, DAO, Active Record, and Repository for robust architectural foundations. (Article)

Sponsored by Cockroach Labs

Is multi-cloud right for you? A new report offers answers - Sponsored by Cockroach Labs

Is multi-cloud right for you? A new report offers answers

There's plenty of hype for multi-cloud, but is it worth the effort? This new report unpacks the pros, cons, and considerations for multi-cloud deployments. Get it now.

Microsoft Announces AppCAT: Simplifying Azure Migration for .NET Apps

Microsoft team has released a new tool, called Azure Migrate application and code assessment tool for .NET (AppCAT). This tool is intended to help developers in the migration of on-premises .NET applications to Azure. AppCAT tool facilitates the assessment of .NET source code, configurations, and binaries, identifying potential issues and opportunities during the migration process to Azure. (News)

In case you missed it

Hard Problems in Front-End Platforms

Katie Sylor-Miller discusses the world of Front-end Platform Engineering, exploring the unique challenges, strategies, and best practices involved in creating robust, scalable, performant, and reliable systems. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by Launch by NTT DATA

[Webinar] The Art of Product Centric Transformation - Sponsored by Launch by NTT DATA

[Webinar] The Art of Product Centric Transformation

This webinar examines why a product-centric approach is crucial for digital transformation and efficient IT teams, the challenges of implementation and how to overcome them, and the tools and techniques needed to increase the likelihood of transition success. Watch Now On-Demand.

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Uber’s Checkenv Detects Cross-Environment RPC Calls to Prevent Data Leakage

  2. Griffin 2.0: Instacart Revamps Its Machine Learning Platform

Banking on Thousands of Microservices

Suhail Patel covers lessons learned from building a bank, starting from technological choices like using Cassandra and Kubernetes in the early days to how Monzo has maintained its speed of execution through platform engineering and developer experience. (Presentation with transcript included)

How to Build a Reliable Kafka Data Processing Pipeline, Focusing on Contention, Uptime and Latency

Lily Mara shares how OneSignal improved the performance and maintainability of its highest-throughput HTTP endpoints (backed by a Kafka consumer in Rust) by making it an asynchronous system. She shares how metrics changed when the system went from sync to async, and what unique sharding strategies were used to maximize concurrency and performance, while maintaining consistency for Kafka consumers. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. The Challenges of Building Cyber-Physical Systems

The Interaction between the Hybrid and Remote Working Revolution and Maintaining Our Mental Health

Helen Bartimote highlights the importance of addressing mental health and well-being in remote or hybrid working environments. Bartimote discusses the important factors to consider, such as: personality characteristics, models of workplace stress, the role of leadership behaviours, and warning signs and symptoms of burnout. (Presentation with transcript included)

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