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 May 25, 2017


Linkedin Leads Standardized Cloud Gear Alliance
A group of major backers has formed the Project19 Foundation to support standardized gear and networking across cloud data centers.
Data: Lifeblood of the Internet of Things
As computing power becomes increasingly distributed into the devices and infrastructure around us, the data generated by those devices will invariably play a larger role in our businesses and everyday lives.
10 Ways CIOs Can Run Their Business Like a Business
Being a CIO isn't just about serving the business; today it means running the IT operation as a business itself.
DevOps: A Bullet Train with No Passengers?
Fast digital pipelines won't save organizations that can't consistently birth and nurture great ideas.

(Sponsored Article) Software-Defined Storage Lets Financial Firms Compete in Today’s Market

James Brown, consultant product marketing manager, software-defined storage (ScaleIO), at Dell EMC shares what he thinks are the biggest data-related challenges facing all CIOs at financial firms and how agile infrastructure and superior data center life-cycle management help financial services companies compete in today's marketplace.

Partner Perspectives

Software-Defined-Storage - the New Crown Jewel in Telecommunications
Maintaining a high pace of innovation requires the kind of IT agility for telcos that is only available in a software-defined computing environment.

The Importance of the Partner Ecosystem in Your Storage Solution
Relying on a vendor that appreciates and fuels the symbiotic relationship between upstream and downstream communities can pay strong dividends to those investing in today's storage solutions.

Catastrophe Hits Your Datacenter - But Users Don't Notice
Many large, network-dependent organizations are deploying OpenStack together with Red Hat Ceph Storage because they are inherently high-available solutions.

Will Edge Computing Replace the Cloud?
New technology breakthroughs plus the IoT are driving new interest in edge computing.



  • [Cybersecurity] New Methods for Managing the Skills Shortage

    In this webinar, security experts discuss methods for doing better security with fewer people, including: Time-saving tools for automating security functions, effective ways to use outsourcing and third-party services, creative places to look for new talent and the best ways ...

  • Data Tells: Dissecting Every Day Data

    Join us as the author of the book "Everydata: The Misinformation Hidden in the Little Data You Consume Every Day" examines common ways data is misrepresented or misinterpreted, the limitations of forecasts and predictions, and how to recognize "Tells" in ...



Gartner's 10 Tech Predictions That Will Change IT
During its recent Symposium ITXpo, Gartner released predictions about the future of technology for IT departments and users. Here's a look at those predictions and what they might mean for you and your organization.

10 Best US Cities For Tech Jobs In 2016
Glassdoor recently released its report on the best cities for jobs in 2016 based on factors including cost of living, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. Which of these cities on its list are best for IT pros? We take a look.

10 Strategic Tech Trends For 2017: Gartner
At the Gartner Symposium and ITxpo, Gartner released its annual list of the top 10 strategic trends. Are you planning for the right technology in your organization?

9 Raspberry Pi Projects For Your Summer Vacation
The right Raspberry Pi project can make the summer fun and educational. Here are nine possibilities that fit the bill.

10 Factors Determining Data Pro Salaries
O'Reilly Media's 4th annual survey of data professionals looks at tools, languages, gender, geographies, and a host of other factors that are predictors in terms of how much data workers can expect to earn. Where do you fit?


9 Big Mistakes DevOps Teams Make



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