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Gold Is Always Money. Why?

Alasdair Macleod and Dr. Quinton Hennigh return.


Today it is commonly believed that money is the currency issued by central banks as banknotes. Indeed, all credit is often described as such, and that gold’s role as money is obsolete. Alasdair will explain why the monetary laws of nature are in the process of reasserting themselves over false notions of what constitutes money and why gold (and silver) is in fact money for your own financial well-being. The storm clouds are clearly gathering once again for the creators of fiat money. Over thousands of years kingmakers have robbed the general populace by reducing the metallic content of money. All such forms of cheapened money have ultimately entered the dustbins of history. Never before in human history has the entire globe been void of gold-backed money in favor of credit-based money. This form of theft on a scale never before seen appears to be nearing its end. As that occurs there will be a massive transfer of wealth from those who hold their wealth in credit-based currencies to those who own gold. Various central banks of mostly of countries not aligned with the West have been building up massive supplies of gold in preparation for a default of the current credit-based monetary system. Alasdair will explain why this return to gold as money is inevitable and why it is important for your financial well-being and the financial well-being of those you love. Even as gold has broken through the US$2,000 long term resistance level, most investors, at least in the U.S., seem to be betting on a future bubble that will continue to enrich those who buy the dips. As such some of he most undervalued stocks these days are those of companies that are producing gold or making world class discoveries of gold in the ground. Quinton will tell us of one company that is showing early signs of a major gold discovery in British Columbia.

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