Learn to develop your psychic abilities with one of our online courses.

Dear Friends,

The theme for this month's letter is improving your psychic development. I love this theme for a lot of reasons but mostly because you can't open to your psychic abilities unless you learn to relax and meditate and listen more to your intuitive voice. If you have been reading my work for a long time, you know I am a big fan of slowing down and tuning in. So often we ignore our important inner knowing, which is only trying to help us and is there for a reason. We are all born with the ability to be psychic, but somewhere along the way this gift was set aside; reasons for this vary far and wide. One of the most common reasons, however, is that family members don't believe in our ability or demand we shut it down because it scares them. In American culture, being psychic isn't honored or respected and is rarely talked about by parents to their children on how to heed their inner knowing. At DailyOM, when we speak of being psychic we aren't talking about a circus sideshow or learning how to pick lottery numbers ahead of time. Rather, we talk about using the information to better your life and make better decisions. I feel a psychic connection is vital to our overall health, mind, body, and spirit.

Below I have outlined four online courses we offer that will help you access your psychic ability and greatly enhance your life.

Open Yourself to Divine Guidance by Dianne Skafte. This is an eight-week online course where you will learn how to access accurate guidance for your life. Learn if you are a visual-, auditory-, or body-sensing person and tap into your strongest channel. Other topics covered are animals, plants, and nature, showing you the way, and the art of divination. more info

Become a Spiritual Psychic in Days by Sara Wiseman. This is a four-week online audio course, which offers one approximately 30-minute weekly audio course, set to music. Intuition is a spiritual practice, and here you will learn psychic hearing, divine receiving, psychic seeing, and astral projection/remote viewing. Each lesson requires two hours per week to listen to the audio and do the exercises. more info

Activate Your Psychic Superpowers! by Debra Lynne Katz and Krishanti. In this eight-week online course you will learn about what a clairvoyant reading is and how to prepare yourself to do a reading. You'll also discover how to read relationships and improve goals and open your psychic third eye. more info

Develop Your Psychic and Intuitive Ability by Max Highstein. This is a 16-week online course that offers 13 audio guided meditations as well as 12 exercises. You'll receive a wealth of practical guidance from a seasoned intuitive mentor. more info

I hope you take advantage of one of these wonderful course offerings. Also, be sure to keep a lookout for my new book announcement coming soon!

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor