May 16, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

We've got another banking pitch from Tim Melvin, and that's starting to feel awfully contrarian these days... feel like it's time to scoop up some little bank stocks that were thrown out with hte bath water?  He pitches his #1 perfect dividend stock in this sector, and it sounds a little familiar, but let's see what secret stock he's pitching now...  just click below to...

This new scandal could solidify Biden’s reputation as the most corrupt president in America’s history.

Click here to see the details


Here are the stories you might have missed at Stock Gumshoe last week...

The first teaser ad to get our attention last week was from Porter Stansberry, who's talking up a "Secret Energy Grid" that was foreseen by Ronald Reagan... 

We're still seeing pitches for Alex Green's "get rich from Vladimir Putin's stupidity" ad, all about a stock that he calls the "single best 10% yield in the market".

We dug into Nick Hodge's pitch about "America's Biggest Gold Discovery" ... partly because he also touts "Lithium's Little Giant" in that spiel.

And we bombarded our favorite Irregulars with lots of new content during the week, including my notes from the Berkshire and Boston Omaha meetings and a chock-full Friday File that included several trade updates on the Real Money Portfolio... just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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