This week on Q+A – a special conversation around anxiety, mental health and living in the public eye.
The stress of the last few years has taken a toll on many people - how is it changing the way we speak about and support mental health? A quarter of Australians will experience an anxiety condition in their lifetime – but how many of us are prepared to speak openly about it? And how much harder is it to talk about when you’re a high-profile figure?
On Q+A this week, we’re bringing together a panel with personal experience, expertise and passion for sharing their stories. We'll hear what it's like to have to find the courage to speak out. We’ll talk about mental health and resilience in the sporting arena, in the corridors of power in Canberra and in the lives of everyday Australians.
We want to hear from you - what's your experience with anxiety and mental health? Have you found it hard to access support and professional help? We'll also look at the risk factors and how to manage it.
And, as always, we’ll keep a close eye on the news of the week.
David Speers on the panel:
Jelena Dokic, Former World No. 4 tennis player and broadcaster
Brooke Blurton, Mental health advocate
Bridget Archer, Federal Member for Bass
Stephen Jones, Labor MP for Whitlam
Mark Cross, Psychiatrist and author
With a live performance from the legendary
Archie Roach Please
submit a question via our website by 9am Thursday for the chance to ask the panel.
Scroll down to watch Thursday's toughest question asked by Assefa Bekele, who wants to know if it is possible for someone to get elected without being “super-rich or supported by the super-rich persons or groups”. 👇
Watch Q+A Thursday at 8.30pm on ABC TV, streamed live 8.30pm AEST on
ABC iview or on
our website.