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Free Press Action


We’re live on Facebook right now: Tune into our State of the Media town hall to hear what this Congress can do to take action for safer, better media and technology.

Journalist layoffs. Facebook abuses. Untrustworthy news. The repeal of Net Neutrality ... the list goes on. Trump wants folks to believe there’s mayhem at the border, but that’s a manufactured crisis. A real crisis? The news and information system that shapes our society is in collapse.

But there’s good news: The new Congress is more diverse than ever, and in a great position to fight the Trump administration’s attacks on basic communications rights.

Lawmakers can fight back, but we need to push them to do so. Tune in now to the Free Press Action State of the Media town hall to hear what’s happening.

The Free Press Action policy team has developed an aggressive agenda for change based largely on the needs expressed by you — our 1 million+ members in communities across the country.

Now we’re sharing the specific next steps that Congress needs to take.

Tune in now to get the game plan, then sign the petition linked in the comments to officially join us in the fight.

Once you sign the petition, you’ll get a text message from one of our field-team members, who’ll guide you through meeting up with your lawmaker to get them on board.

Join us on the livestream now, or watch later with your activist friends. Let’s make sure Congress knows that we demand change, and won’t stop until we get it.

In the spirit of media for all—

Collette, Dutch, Mary Alice and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. 🔴 WE’RE LIVE: Watch the Free Press Action State of the Media town hall livestream right now to find out what Congress can do to restore our communications rights. We need internet, media and news that serve our communities. Tune in now to help us hold leaders accountable.

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