Stop the FCC from rolling back the Lifeline program.
free press action fund

LIVE: We’ve gathered outside the FCC to speak out against Chairman Pai’s plan to gut the Lifeline program.


Right now, Lifeline subscribers, social-justice organizations and digital-rights groups are gathered outside the FCC to protest the agency’s plan to gut the Lifeline program, which helps millions of people living below the poverty line access telephone and internet services.


Tune into the livestream and hear from speakers like Aja Taylor of Bread for the City, Francella Ochillo of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, Erin Shields of the Center for Media Justice, Carmen Scurato and Joseph Torres of Free Press Action Fund and former FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Gloria Tristani.

Lifeline subscribers are speaking to the importance of affordable access — and against FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s cruel efforts to severely gut the subsidy program.

Chairman Pai’s attack on Lifeline is just one of several FCC actions that disproportionately harm low-income communities while concentrating media power in the hands of a few wealthy companies. His FCC has also failed to defend reforms to exorbitant prison phone-call rates, blocked opportunities for communities to build their own broadband networks and repealed Net Neutrality protections that safeguarded free expression and choice online.

All of that and more is why we’re gathered today outside the FCC to speak out — join us now to hear why we must #SaveLifeline, and add your voice in the livestream comments.

After you tune into the livestream, make sure to call the FCC and tell the GOP commissioners to abandon their plan to roll back the Lifeline program. Our call tool makes this easy: All you have to do is dial 202-804-1389.

Thanks for all that you do,

Lucia, Collette, Brandon and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. We’re LIVE: Tune into the livestream of our #SaveLifeline rally now.

Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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