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SEO can drive significant site traffic and revenue as well as build brand equity. But not all SEO tactics are created equal. In fact, many SEO teams spend time working on issues that rarely move the needle.

If you want to generate impression share, drive clicks and bring intent-driven traffic to your site, you need to learn and implement these five core SEO tactics today. Before you get tactical, it’s time to look under the hood.

In this webinar, SEO experts will share insights on these top five tactics:

  • Driving SEO Success via User Intent
  • Rev-Up Qualitative Content – Not Quantitative
  • E-A-T and Link Acquisition to Drive YMYL
  • The Simple Secret – Tune-Up Your Consistency
  • Go from 0 to 60 with Cohesion
Register Now

Jon Lightfoot, Founder and CEO of Strategic SEO Solutions
Rene Ramirez, SEO Director, Strategic SEO Solutions

Thank you,
The Search Engine Land and Digital Marketing Depot Teams

P.S. If you can't make the webinar, register anyway and we'll send you the video recording of the webinar later in the day.

Sponsored by Strategic SEO Solutions

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