
Brownies on a stick
Very Simple, Very Good Brownie Pops
These are delightful and simple.  They don't take any special equipment.  This is all there is to it:
  1. Make a batch of brownies. Let them cool.
  2. Cut them into desired sizes and shapes.
  3. Stick a popsicle stick in each and put them in the freezer.
  4. Get a tub of frosting. We used fudge.
  5. Melt the frosting and dip each brownie in the frosting. Let them drip for a moment and then poke the stick handle into Styrofoam to keep the treat vertical while it dries. For a thinner coating, use a warmer frosting.  A cooler frosting will give you a thicker coating.
  6. Once the frosting is set, drizzle the pops with multiple colors of icing made with powdered sugar. You can also decorate them with sprinkles or other decorations.

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Live where you want to live. You do have options.
My father was determined to live where his kids lived. When his kids moved to Alaska, he sold his business and moved to Alaska. Then he had to find a way to make a living there. 
There are more options now than then and he would argue, more opportunities than ever before to live where you want to live.

The following article explains how you might live where you want to live, even if there are fewer job opportunities.

The Prepared Pantry
Rigby, Idaho 83442
(208) 745-7892  customerservice@preparedpantry.com
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