Hep Email Update
Who Remains at Risk for Liver Cancer After Hepatitis C Is Cured?
People who achieved SVR two or more years ago were less likely to develop hepatocellular carcinoma than those cured more recently.
Bariatric Surgery Lowers Risk for Heart Disease in People With Fatty Liver Disease
People with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease who had bariatric surgery suffered fewer cardiovascular events post-surgery.
It’s Time to Enroll in Obamacare for 2023. Here’s How.
Plus: Over 10 prevention services related to hepatitis, HIV and sexually transmitted infections covered by the Affordable Care Act.
NIH Establishes Website for Self-Reporting COVID-19 Test Results
COVID-19 test results provide valuable data that public health departments can use to assess needs and modify responses.
People With Long COVID Face Barriers to Government Disability Benefits
Many people with long COVID are falling through the cracks of a system that was difficult to navigate even before the pandemic.
Hep A Outbreaks
Our map outlines where in the United States active cases of hepatitis A have been reported in the past 12 months on a scale from 0 to 100 relative to other states.

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