The Grey Wolf by Louise Penny is the top holds title of the week. LibraryReads and Library Journal offer read-alikes by Emiko Jean, Hannah Morrissey, and Arnaldur Indridason for patrons waiting to read this buzziest book.
Houria Bouteldja explains why the white working class is tempted by right-wing political parties and offers a way out of this trap. Uniting these 'rednecks' with 'savages' (the racially oppressed) will require a project of popular sovereignty, where national identity is reworked through revolutionary love.
Search, revise, and repeat. This is the habit in which users often find themselves when searching through mountains of content. To be faced with a repository of information and not find one’s desired knowledge is not a new dilemma, and now with AI, one never knows if what is retrieved is accurate or authentic.
By Jeff T. Dick This month’s can’t-miss foreign and indie films feature tradition and hope in rural northern Senegal, the trial and execution of Adolph Eichmann, and a flop-turned-cult-hit starring David Bowie.
By Joshua Blevins Peck This month’s must-see documentaries feature a deep dive into AI, the nostalgia of classic arcade and video games, and a thoughtful portrait of grizzlies in the wild.
By Jeff T. Dick Forthcoming DVDs and Blu-rays feature a demon-controlled pond, the unearthing of sacred ancestral remains, and terrifying yet nuanced zombies and ghosts.
By LJ Reviews Top titles focused on sports of all types.
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