Random in Death by J.D. Robb is the top holds title of the week. LibraryReads and Library Journal offer read-alikes by Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh, and Julie McElwain for patrons waiting to read this buzziest book.
Science v. Story analyzes four scientific controversies—climate change, evolution, vaccination, and COVID-19—through the lens of storytelling. Bloomfield argues that we can strengthen science communication by incorporating storytelling in critical ways that are attentive to audience and context.
Guitar players, established luthiers, and aspiring guitar-builders now have a foundation-level reference resource for all facets of the guitar. In his new book, Bill Foley describes the historical development of ancient stringed musical instruments like the cithara. He also provides detailed scientific lessons about sound frequencies, harmonics, and guitar engineering.
By LJ Reviews These novels span multiple genres and offer bookish delights as they capture the joy of reading, the allure of bookstore and library settings, and the power of books to connect people.
By Sarah Hashimoto This database project offers free, comprehensive, unprecedented access to three decades of material about Asian Pacific American history, culture, politics, and news, all published in AsianWeek.
Self-help was already one of the fastest-growing nonfiction categories in the 2010s, according to NPD Group. Then came the global pandemic in 2020, with its social isolation, a host of novel stressors, and information overload, triggering stress, anxiety, and all manner of mental health disorders.
By Jeff T. Dick An 1800s Icelandic mission, class resentments and crime, and a hit man in Mussolini’s Italy feature in this month’s can't-miss foreign and indie films.
By Jeff T. Dick Lots to look forward to with these forthcoming DVDs and Blu-rays, including the gritty classic noir that inspired Dragnet and legendary Australian criminal Mark “Chopper” Read’s outsized autobiography.
By Joshua Blevins Peck The mysterious intricacies of the brain, a groundbreaking architect of rock and roll, and a no-holds-barred history of YouTube are among the subjects of this month’s must-see documentaries.
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