In this issue, October 3, 2023 View it in your browser.

LLMs in Prod, Docker 4.22, Chaos Test, PL/Rust for PostgreSQL, DO Kafka Service, Apache Flink, Testcontainers, GraalVM for JDK 21, CoreWCF 1.4, Control Theory, Web Accessibility

AI, ML, FinTech and data engineering tracks announced for QCon London 2024 (8-10 April).

Learn from 75+ senior software leaders across 15 technical topics including; AI, machine learning, FinTech, frontend, mobile, programming languages, software architecture, GenAI, LLMs, performance engineering, leadership, teams, APIs, modern software, data engineering, cloud-native and more.
Launch pricing expires Oct 12. Book now and save £600.


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Recipes for Success on AWS

Go beyond theory and learn the details you need to successfully build on AWS. With over 70 self-contained recipes, this guide will help you creatively solve common AWS challenges. Download Now.

Heidi Musser on Enabling Belonging Through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Heidi Musser about enabling belonging through diversity, equity and inclusion overcoming unconscious biases, avoiding micro-aggressions and advancing the agile community. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Generative AI Service AWS Bedrock Now Generally Available

  2. Multi-Modal LLM NExT-GPT Handles Text, Images, Videos, and Audio

  3. High Performance Functions in Rust on RDS PostgreSQL

Hugging Face's Guide to Optimizing LLMs in Production

When it comes to deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) in production, the two major challenges originate from the huge amount of parameters they require and the necessity of handling very long input sequences to represent contextual information. Hugging Face has documented a list of techniques to tackle those hurdles based on their experience serving such models. (News)

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Container observability and continuous testing with AWS

Join this webinar to dive deep into patterns for monitoring and applying continuous testing across the software development lifecycle. You’ll learn how to implement these practices to increase release velocity while maintaining quality and resilience. (Live Webinar, Oct. 26th) - Register Now.


  1. Docker 4.22 Introduces Resource Saver and Improvements to Docker Compose

  2. CRI-O Graduates from CNCF, Sees Increased Adoption in Cloud Native Environments

  3. The Linux Foundation & CNCF Kick off KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2023

  4. Linkerd 2.14 Improves Support on Flat Networks and Gateway API Conformance

  5. Grafana Introduces ML Tool Sift to Improve Incident Response

The Eternal Sunshine of the Toil-Less Prod

Sasha Rosenbaum discusses the evolution from shipping products to running services, and what she learned while trying different approaches. (Presentation with transcript included)

Celebrity Vulnerabilities: Effective Response to Critical Production Threats

Alyssa Miller dives into the lessons learned from three major open source security events, the Equifax breach via Struts, the Log4j vulnerabilities and the Spring4Shell exploit. (Presentation with transcript included)

Did the Chaos Test Pass?

Christina Yakomin discusses how to run Chaos experiments with Vanguard technologies. (Presentation with transcript included)

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The practical guide to internal developer portals

Platform engineering is becoming a movement. Its main tool is the portal, made to improve developer autonomy. But…what exactly is the portal? And what should you care about? Read here.


  1. Digital Ocean Launches its Managed Kafka Service

  2. AWS Expands its Cloud Mac Minis Offering with M2 Pro Mac Instances

  3. Microsoft Introduces Public Preview of Socket.IO Support on Azure Web PubSub

  4. Azure Update Manager as Successor of Update Management Center Now Generally Available

Confluent Announces Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud in Open Preview

Confluent recently announced the open preview of Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud as a fully-managed service for stream processing. The company claims that the managed service will make it easier for companies to filter, join, and enrich data streams with Flink. (News)

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NoSQL Database Trends Report: Expectation vs Reality

Download this DZone report to learn which NoSQL database types seemed better in theory than in practice, NoSQL database trends through adoption and use cases, how CAP theorem tradeoffs are shifting year over year, and key considerations for cloud migrations, global deployments, and more. Download Now.


  1. Jacoco Agent Measures Code Coverage for Any Test

  2. GraalVM for JDK 21 Delivers Performance Enhancements and Improved Developer Experience

  3. Gatling Supports Java DSL for Java and Kotlin-Based Performance Tests

  4. Java News Roundup: JDK 21, GraalVM for JDK 21, Apache Pinot 1.0, Eclipse Epicyro 3.0

  5. Testcontainers Desktop Provides Support for Investigations and Debugging

Is Your Java Application Is Slow? Check Out These Open-Source Profilers

Johannes Bechberger focusses on understanding the basic concepts of profiling like flame graphs, usage of async-profiler and JMC, advantages and disadvantages of the different tools. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by Microsoft Azure

Build Intelligent Apps

Combine AI, cloud-scale data, and cloud-native app development to create highly differentiated digital experiences. Start building and modernizing intelligent applications with Microsoft Azure. Learn more.

CoreWCF 1.4.0 Released: RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka Support Added

This month, there have been several significant releases in the CoreWCF ecosystem. Version 1.4.0 was rolled out, featuring new transport options such as RabbitMQ (AMQP) and Apache Kafka. While these additions were well-received, it's worth noting that the transports MSMQ and NetNamedPipe remain in the preview stage, indicating ongoing development efforts. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Azure API Center Now in Public Preview

Allegro Uses Control Theory for Workload Balancing in its Apache Kafka PubSub Platform

Allegro, the largest eCommerce platform in Poland, implemented dynamic workload balancing in Hermes, its open-source publish-subscribe message broker, built on top of Apache Kafka. The new workload balancing algorithm achieves more uniform resource utilization and lower infrastructure costs. (News)

Sponsored by Redis


Redis Microservices for Dummies

Running into obstacles during a microservices implementation? Redis can help you develop and operate the microservice-based architecture with high performance in mind. Learn more here.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. A Collaborative Approach to Web Applications Accessibility

User Story: a Placeholder for a Conversation

User stories are meant to be a placeholder for a conversation. This article dives into the differences between user stories and tickets, where stories came from and how recent trends are moving us away from conversations. It shows the impact this is having on product development and easy ways to improve collaboration through conversation and writing better stories. (Article)

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