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August 10, 2023
Why Local-Led Conservation Moves the Needle

If you’ve been following us on social media, you’ll see a crush of field day activities as part of our work with America’s Conservation Ag Movement (ACAM). Our resident regenerative farmer and rancher, Jimmy Emmons, has been dotting the Corn Belt since June, and we’re eager to start our rotation of field days with our ACAM Conservation Stewards this month.

These farmer-led events are critically important to the proliferation of climate-smart practices because seeing is believing, and seeing what’s possible in your home county or region accelerates acceptance.

It always has.

Shop talks and coffee shop conversations speed the transfer of farming information and validates that information with real-field case studies.

Local-led, voluntary conservation has never been more urgent as producers learn about opportunities to access additional funding for Farm Bill programs and partnership programs like Climate-Smart Commodities. And many indicators point to a tipping point of understanding and value for conservation programs.

In a recent ACAM data study in five states, 70% of producers say they are open to considering programs with financial and technical assistance, and almost two-thirds of producers anticipate investing time or money in a conservation ag project in the next 12 months.

It’s been a busy summer, but the work is just beginning for our team and our partners who are on the ground helping producers align their operations with the opportunities to build soil, hold water, create biodiversity, capture carbon and of course create better ROI. If you aren’t getting your boots dirty, then you aren’t hearing the whole story. Our ACAM field days are an opportunity for the value chain to better understand how farmers and ranchers are responding to these opportunities and identify their biggest concerns and barriers to adopting new practices.

Join us in:
- Owensville, Indiana at Kruger Farms on Aug. 17   
- York, Nebraska at McGowan Farms on Sept. 8
- Royal Oaks, California at JSM Organics on Sept. 15

More to come. I’d love to hear what you’re learning from the farmers and ranchers in your network. The more the value chain can understand and value the plight of producers, the better we can align programs to meet their critical needs for today and the future of agriculture.

Yours in regenerative ag,
Amy Skoczlas Cole
President, Trust In Food™



Midwest Row Crop Collaborative Putting Regenerative Agriculture and Farmers First in New Campaign
By David Frabotta, director of climate-smart content, Trust In Food: Midwest Row Crop Collaborative has recently unveiled an engagement campaign designed to improve environmental outcomes in agriculture. The group says the center of that work is supporting farmers in making on-the-ground changes aligned with regenerative agriculture principles. Learn more about their ambitious goals and how this campaign aligns their partners to put farmers first.
Carbon Intensity Is Going To Be A Team Sport

By: Margy Eckelkamp, brand leader, Top Producer and The Scoop:  A new game is about to start and it’s time to figure out what position you want to play. The Inflation Reduction Act has opened a three-year window for farmers to be compensated for their agronomic practices in a new way. The Section 45Z tax credit provides biofuel producers (ethanol, biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuel) with an incentive to produce low-emission fuels. This is setting up a new business model: farmers sell grain with the grain’s carbon data associated directly to its value. This is unlike carbon offset programs, which compensate farmers for carbon as an asset itself. 


News We’re Following


By: Jennifer Strailey, editorial director, produce, Farm Journal: PepsiCo and Walmart have announced a seven-year collaboration to pursue $120 million worth of investments focused on supporting U.S. and Canadian farmers in their effort to improve soil health and water quality, according to a news release. By establishing and scaling financial, agronomic and social programs, the companies aim to enable and accelerate the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices on more than 2 million acres of farmland and deliver approximately 4 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals by 2030 — roughly equivalent to the amount of electricity needed to power 778,300 homes for one year, the release said.


By: Margy Eckelkamp, brand leader, Top Producer and The Scoop: It’s only been since 1988 that the International Plant Nutrition Institute has credited the 4R framework—application of the right nutrient source or product at the right rate, right time and in the right place—as having a close tie and application to agricultural sustainability. The 4Rs are millennials, and we are seeing a generation’s worth of change in today’s fertilizer products. Of course, product development, environmental stewardship and crop yields have dynamically changed in 35 years. So what about fertilizer? 


Shared by Jamie Sears Rawlings, manager of climate-smart content Trust In Food: Global shocks over the past few years have created an unprecedented “polycrisis” that has disproportionately hurt small-scale farmers and people living in food-deficit countries, according to a new report commissioned by Farm Journal Foundation.

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