Prince George’s County public schools said about 1,700 teachers and 30 percent of the transportation staff asked for the day off to take part in a national day of protest called “A Day Without a Woman.” The protest, organized in conjunction with International Women’s Day, urges female workers to stay home.

In Virginia, the Alexandria school system will also be closed Wednesday after staff members requested the day off.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Local News Alert Tue., Mar. 07, 2017 8:16 p.m.
Prince George’s schools will be closed Wednesday after 1,700 teachers ask off for ‘A Day Without a Woman’ protest
Prince George’s County public schools said about 1,700 teachers and 30 percent of the transportation staff asked for the day off to take part in a national day of protest called “A Day Without a Woman.” The protest, organized in conjunction with International Women’s Day, urges female workers to stay home.

In Virginia, the Alexandria school system will also be closed Wednesday after staff members requested the day off.
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