Good morning, Marketer.

Mobile location data traditionally hasn’t had the best rap with users – but that narrative could be changing. Not too long ago, data collection and processing amounted to “tech-company surveillance.” But under the current crisis, location data providers are bringing new value and awareness to services that benefit the public as a whole.  

Apple, for example, has released a new Mobility Trends tool that shows the impact of shelter-in-place rules on user movements in multiple countries and selected cities. The tool allows users to see how the virus and corresponding lockdowns have impacted walking, driving and transit compared with a baseline measurement in January.

Another tool, Google’s Mobility Reports, was released a few weeks ago – and could serve to benefit marketers. The reports cover 131 countries to examine visitation and movement patterns in high-level categories like retail, grocery, transit, and workplace. Google says this “aggregated, anonymized data could be helpful [to public health officials] as they make critical decisions to combat COVID-19.” (Google and Apple have also partnered on COVID-19 contact tracing using location data.)

And in just the past two weeks, four companies in the location data space have combined: Foursquare and Factual and PlaceIQ and Freckle IoT. The economy and the need for a more competitive scale will likely compel other acquisitions and mergers in the coming months as location intelligence companies position themselves for the reopening of the real world.

There’s more below, including Instagram’s new CTA option to help support small businesses, and Facebook’s new Apple Watch app. 

Taylor Peterson,
Deputy Editor

Social Shorts

Facebook’s test Kit and Instagram’s SMB support buttons

FACEBOOK + APPLE WATCH. Facebook is testing out a new app for Apple Watch called Kit, as in Keep in Touch. It’s for messaging close friends and family over Facebook’s Messenger service. With just a tap on their watches, users can share their location, send voice messages, emoji, etc. This is the first Apple Watch product launch from Facebook’s R&D team.

Why we care. Sure, this is an experiment, but it’s another example of Facebook taking a more narrow view of social media with a focus on meaningful engagement — quality over quantity. And yet, by building on top of the Messenger platform, it offers connections to more than 1 billion users.

CTAS TO SUPPORT SMBS. To highlight ways customers can still support SMBs affected by the COVID-19 crisis, Instagram is introducing new calls to action: “Gift Cards,” “Food Orders,” and “Donation.”. They can be used in Stories and on business profiles.

Why we care. Local businesses, in particular, have been hit hard by the pandemic. These CTAs provide new mechanisms to help SMBs market themselves and bring in revenue.


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