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Quick Manufacturing News

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The fourth contract has been granted for the new PrSM precision strike weapon, which neutralizes targets beyond 400 kilometers and is compatible with different launch systems.
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Cargo has been rerouted and goods are arriving where they are needed despite the ongoing challenges," says NRF..
The final rule includes revisions to improve chemical process safety, to assist in planning, preparing for, and responding to accidents, and to increase public awareness of chemical hazards at regulated...
Companies need to improve communications with job candidates, and that starts with knowing what they're looking for in skilled employees.
Discover how the power of knowledge management to automate Computer Aided Manufacturing can solve many issues in manufacturing – from productivity to a retiring workforce.
Product Spotlight, Courtesy of NewEquipment.com
The X12 X-ray system from Mettler Toledo ensures the quality of small and medium-sized packaged products are free from glass, metal, stone, bone, and rubber.