Data Scientists in the Future; How to Hire and Keep Top IT Talent; The Cybersecurity Workforce

InformationWeek Leadership careers
June 02, 2021
LogMeIn CIO: The Art of Integrating Acquisitions
LogMeIn has integrated 10 acquisitions and divested two business unit sales over the last five years. The company's CIO shares his secrets on how to do it successfully.

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Preparing Future Data Scientists for Jobs of Tomorrow

While organizations amass data they want to leverage, Purdue University is working to marry data science academics to those real-world needs.
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Hiring and Attracting Tech Talent With an Engineering-First Mindset

In a job market where a skilled engineer can go across the street for a bigger paycheck, the best way to get and keep great employees is by building an environment where they can thrive.
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One10's AIOps and Cloud Journey to Software Modernization

CIO discusses how the organization migrated custom solutions to cloud-based applications and AIOps to cut costs and the burden on in-house developers.
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Investing in the Cybersecurity Workforce of Tomorrow

How can organizations help bridge the cybersecurity skills gap? Consider untapped talent pools, including those within your organization, partner with community groups, and more.
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2021 State of ITOps and SecOps Report
In this report from InformationWeek, we explore what we've learned over the past year, critical trends around ITOps and SecOps, and where leaders are focusing their time and efforts to support a growing digital economy. Download it today! Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Skills: Top 10 Programming Languages for 2021
These are the languages most likely to be useful for getting a job as a developer or other IT professional. Read More
11 Ways to Ask Smarter Data Analytics Questions
Not everyone has been trained to think like a data scientist or a data analyst, but they can learn to think more like one. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Planning Your Digital Transformation Roadmap
Download this report to learn about the latest technologies and best practices or ensuring a successful transition from outdated business transformation tactics. Read More
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