18 Mar 2020 Londonist
By Londonist Staff · Mar 18, 2020 at 15:45
No more Eastenders

In place of our daily event listings, we're compiling the latest coronavirus news, views and resources for Londoners — as well as things you can do, and the ways you can enjoy this great city — without the usual access you have to it.

We also want to flag up all the positive ways that Londoners are finding to deal with the crisis, from good deeds to witty photographs. Please email hello@londonist.com with any contributions.

Ideas to help, and reasons to be cheerful

Learn to bake... classes every day at 2pm on Insta (see below). Image Bread Ahead.
  • Food charity Made in Hackney wants to make free deliveries to the most vulnerable in the community. It needs help. Consider helping with the crowdfunding. "The more money we raise, the more meals we can make and deliver"
  • And here's a similar scheme. Dare to Care sends packages to the needy across London. See here on how to donate or volunteer.
  • Foodbanks continue to need our support. Tottenham Foodbank has set up a quick and simple way to help. Simply text TOTTENHAM to 70085 to make a £3 donation.
  • Want to learn to bake? Bread Ahead's founder and master baker Matthew Jones will be offering free, live tutorials on Instagram every day at 2pm. Whether or not you can find a supermarket stocking flour is another matter.
  • Virtual music festival! Defected has announced a 12-hour programme of DJ sets, to be streamed live from the Ministry of Sound, Friday, noon till midnight. Facebook Live or YouTube.
  • The National Trust is aiming to keep its gardens and green spaces open.
  • Brewdog is making its own hand sanitiser.

Latest London coronavirus news

And in other news

Tube ponderings with Barry Heck

Our resident tube fancier dishes out daily thoughts on the London Underground.

Hello all. Thanks for reading my column over the past year. It's been a blast. I'm going into isolation for a bit now, so won't be appearing on these pages for a while. However, you can still follow me over on Twitter @HeckTube. See you at the other end of the tunnel.

Fact of the day

In the early 20th century, Leicester Square was the temporary home to 70 polar bears. Actual, real, live polar bears. The poor creatures were part of the Hippodrome's 1909 Christmas show, and were forced to perform twice a day before the paying audience. Read all about it here.

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