Farmers Worry About ‘Flash Drought’ Farmers Worry About ‘Flash Drought’
| | | Conditions are making things tough for farmers. There are growing concerns for cattle, cotton and corn due to the worsening drought that was fueled this summer by record heat. Read More | |
| | | The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) will provide additional label restrictions for dicamba in 2020—these are restrictions in addition to the federal EPA label. These restrictions will go into effect upon approval from U.S. EPA of this 24(c) registration request. Read More | |
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| | | In 2018, the trucking industry was short 60,800 drivers — up nearly 20% from 2017’s figure of 50,700. If current trends hold, the American Trucking Association (ATA) says the shortage could rise to more than 160,000 by 2028. Read More | |
| | | Idaho farmers scrambled to get their crops harvested as freezing temperatures and a snowstorm moved into the area. One farmer in Eastern Idaho received some helping hands. The story is going viral! Read More | |
| | | Miserably wet field conditions have customers scrambling to retrofit their combines to deal with mud. From installing tracks, to adding rear-wheel-drive systems, to using super-wide Low Sidewall (LSW) tires, here is what Dan Anderson is hearing from people who have tried all the variations. Read More | |
| | | Washington Watchers are looking at the markets closely as the start of a new week begins. That’s because President Trump announced Friday the U.S. and China are at the beginning stages of a trade agreement. Read More | |
| | | 28 degrees Thursday and Friday a.m. Less than 4% beans done. They are drying very slow. Yield should be about 45 - 50, when and if. No corn harvest yet. Silage mostly done but rain soaked fields prevent any harvest activity. 4 1/2 inches of rain 2 weeks ago and l 1/2 last week. 5 day forecast for 10% chance of rain. Next 5 days 40 - 50% chance of rain. Not looking and sounding too peachy. Everyone be very careful and we will all eat Thanksgiving dinner the same day. Read More | |