September 28, 2017

We've seen plenty of pitches that reference Mark Cuban's "the world's first trillionaire will be an artificial intelligence entrepreneur" quote to get your attention, and today we look at one of 'em -- this spiel is from Charles Mizrahi's Park Avenue Investment Club, and he's talking up a company that makes a tiny component that's key to deep learning and AI.  So what is it?  The Thinkolator's on the case, and the answer is only a click away...

Like high yield dividend stocks, but want your income more often? Monthly dividend stocks are the answers - paying you ever 30 days instead of every 90 days! These 7 rock solid trades yield as much as 9.8%, but are rising fast and approaching their "buy below" prices. Act now to get their names before it's too late!
Ready to be an "Adventure Capitalist" and seek fortunes in the scarier parts of the world?  That's the offer from Kim Iskyan, who thinks he's got some thousand-percent gainers in frontier and emerging markets... including two that he hints at, a "next Priceline" idea and an emerging mobile phone provider.  Who are they?  Just click below to....


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