Howdy readers,

We did it! It’s *finally* February.

It’s the shortest month of the year, the weather is stunning and we can’t stop yapping about everything that’s coming up in the next 28 days.

For our News Editor/low-key sports correspondent Findlay, February kicks off right into the Six Nations rugby games, followed up by the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships, and ends perfectly with the ICC (that’s cricket for those who don’t know).

Yousra’s got a countdown on for February 14, but not for the reason you might think.

Instead of a swoon-worthy Valentine’s dinner deal, she’s got her heart set on a ticket to the Taste of Dubai Festival, bringing together some top celebrity chefs.

Emilie’s expecting some side-splitting comedy at Jack Whitehall, while Sian is desperate to get out into the desert to see the month-long planetary alignment.

And Wyanet? She’s so excited for Ramadan to begin that she's been to a Ramadan souq already. In fact, we've started to round up the best iftars in town right here.

So when we tell you February was worth waiting for, we (really) mean it.



How to max out on the shortest month of the year

There's something for all budgets

The stargazing event explained

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