100+ fresh, nutritious Mediterranean-style recipes! Click Here
Eat Your Way to Better Health & a Slimmer Belly!
Food Should Make You Feel Good!
In the United States, it’s common—almost normal—to have a love-hate relationship with your food. You might adore the taste of buttery shrimp scampi or sweet blueberry crisp with creamy vanilla ice cream, but after you eat them, you might feel a twinge of guilt, like you committed some kind of nutritional crime. On the other hand, having something like salad or fruit probably makes you feel virtuous. After finishing that meal, you might feel like you scored some major health-food points.

Here at Prevention, we just don’t think food should be that complicated! That’s why we searched the world to figure the perfect combination of the healthiest diet with the best tasting food! What we discovered is that the Mediterranean diet is one of the best at protecting health and preventing disease while also leaving you completely satisfied!

Discover 100+ fresh, nutritious Mediterranean-style recipes in Prevention’s Mediterranean Table!
The Mediterranean diet, as a whole, emphasizes that eating is a joyful, even sensual activity that’s celebrated, not feared. That’s because food isn’t categorized as good or bad. Instead, food is just food. Sure, some things are intended to be eaten on a daily basis, and others are more of a once-in-a-while kind of thing, but whether it’s an everyday Wild Greens Salad with Fresh Herbs or an occasional Blueberry-Lemon Tea Cake, it is always worth savoring.
Blueberry-Lemon Tea Cakes
How can a laid-back approach like this possibly help you eat healthfully? There are a few factors at play. First, we’re talking about real foods—not highly processed, food-like substances: sorry, neon cheesy puffs! By sticking to nourishment that comes from nature, you’ve already won half the battle. You don’t have to worry as much about overdoing it on things like sugar, salt, or unhealthy fats, because whole foods—like the kind that make up Pre vention’s Mediterranean Table—naturally contain less of those ingredients.
Listening to your body plays a role, too. Eating a Mediterranean-style diet isn’t just about honoring good food—it’s also about honoring yourself. And chances are you’ll be happy about your food choices if they make you feel good physically. That means eating moderate portions until you’re satisfied, not stuffed. It also means saving richer, heavier fare like red meat or sugary desserts for special occasions instead of having them every day. After all, it’s hard to feel lively and energized after polishing off a steak and an ice cream sundae, right?
We’ve taken the guesswork out of everything by compiling all our favorite recipes into Prevention’s Mediterranean Table!

Start loving your food AND your body again, today!