In this issue, December 13, 2022 View it in your browser.

FarmVibes.AI, Low Code/No Code, AWS re:Invent 2022, Triggermesh Project Shaker, Asahi Linux, Payara Cloud, Resilience4j 2, Microsoft Orleans v7, Swift, Architect to Architecting, Leadership

QCon London 2023: Join in-person or online and get clarity on what you should be focusing on in 2023

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7 Reasons Not to Put an External Cache in Front of Your Database

Read this white paper to learn common approaches to caching data, 7 specific reasons why external caching can be a bad choice, real-world examples of successfully eliminating external cache by companies such as Comcast, and more. Download now.

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The InfoQ Podcast: .NET Trends Report 2022

In this episode of The InfoQ Podcast, we will discuss some of the .NET Trends for 2022. Today we will focus on the latest .NET developments related to User Interface and Communication. Our panelist guests for this discussion are Irina Scurtu, Microsoft MVP and international speaker, and François Tanguay, CEO at Uno Platform. (Podcast)

Developer Experience is a Critical Issue for Organisations Today

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Abi Noda about the costs of poor developer experience, why it is a crucial issue for organisations to address, a framework for assessing developer experience and ways it can be improved. (Podcast)

Microsoft Open-Sources Agricultural AI Toolkit FarmVibes.AI

Microsoft Research recently open-sourced FarmVibes.AI, a suite of ML models and tools for sustainable agriculture. FarmVibes.AI includes data processing workflows for fusing multiple sets of spatiotemporal and geospatial data, such as weather data and satellite and drone imagery. (News)



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  1. Grafana Labs Announces Trace Query Language TraceQL

  2. AWS Enters Remote Development and Collaboration Space with CodeCatalyst

Adopting Low Code/No Code: Six Fitnesses to Look for

When selecting a no-code/low-code platform, six key fitnesses should be examined: purpose fit, cost fit, ops fit, user fit, use-case fit, and organization fit. The IT team should be heavily involved in this decision as they play a pivotal role in helping citizen developers with platform adoption. (Article)

Profiles, the Missing Pillar: Continuous Profiling in Practice

Michael Hausenblas takes a look at the origins and the motivation of CP and discusses the benefits of using CP in production, making the case that profiles are the missing pillar of observability. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning. Attend QCon London software development conference (March 27-29, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.

Vulnerability Inbox Zero

Alex Smolen discusses dealing with security vulnerabilities both in the main product and the security scanner used to analyze it. (Presentation with transcript included)

The State of APIs in the Container Ecosystem

Phil Estes attempts to demystify the state of APIs across the container landscape, overviewing the how and why of the layers of APIs that drive how containers work today. (Presentation with transcript included)



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  1. Amazon Announces Preview of OpenSearch Serverless

  2. Enhanced Serverless Development with Terraform and AWS SAM

  3. Amazon EventBridge Pipes Support Point-to-Point Integrations between Event Producers and Consumers

  4. AWS Announces Preview Release of Amazon Security Lake

  5. Recap of AWS re:Invent 2022

Colliding Communities, Cloud Native, and Telecommunications Standards

What happens when an ecosystem driven from the bottom up collides with a community characterized by top-down development? The 5g broadband cellular network standard by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) standard by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), and the Service Function Chain RFC (request for comments) are examples. (Article)



Modernizing Applications with AI for Code

Software that can write software is driving faster, safer transformation of business-critical applications. Find out how AI-augmented coding can accelerate application modernization via tools like Diffblue Cover. Read the white paper.

Sponsored by Diffblue

Asahi Linux Gets Alpha GPU Drivers on Apple Silicon

After two years of work to reverse engineer Apple Silicon GPU instruction set and to implement the kernel driver, Asahi Linux has finally got an alpha-quality release of its GPU driver that is already good enough to run a smooth desktop experience and some games, Asahi developers Alyssa Rosenzweig and Asahi Lina say. (News)



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  1. Payara Cloud Automates Jakarta EE Deployments to Kubernetes

  2. Java News Roundup: JEPs Targeted for JDK 20, AWS Introduces Lambda SnapStart Feature

Resilience4j 2.0.0 Delivers Support for JDK 17

Resilience4j, a lightweight fault tolerance library designed for functional programming, has released version 2.0 featuring support for Java 17 and dependency upgrades to Kotlin, Spring Boot and Micronaut. This new version also removes the dependency on Vavr, a functional library for Java, in order to become a more lightweight library. (News)

Microsoft’s Distributed Application Framework Orleans Reaches Version 7

Microsoft Orleans, a .NET framework for building scalable distributed cloud applications, has been updated for .NET 7 and released as Orleans 7.0.0 on November 8th 2022. The improvements in this release include better performance, simplified development dependencies and simplified identification schema for the grains, a unit of execution in Orleans. (News)

Swift to Add Support for Ownership, Macros, and C++ Interop

The Swift language workgroup has detailed the main focus areas for the development of Swift in 2023 and further on, which include defining an ownership model for memory management, non-copyable types, a macro system, and C++ interoperability. (News)

  1. Triggermesh Introduces an Open-Source AWS Eventbridge Alternative with Project Shaker

Going from Architect to Architecting: the Evolution of a Key Role

This article explores the cultural change of moving towards shared architecture, and the role that the architect has evolved into; from one with an air of authority and singular vision, to one in which system design issues are surfaced, which require team-wide input to resolve. Teams being coached and guided towards shared ownership might be struggling with the paradigm shift of ownership. (Article)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How Defining Agile Results and Behaviors Can Enable Behavioral Change

  2. Mythical Man Month Author and Father of the 8-Bit Byte, Fred Brooks, Dies at 91

The Future of Technology Depends on the Talent to Run it

Effective nearshore staff augmentation—a savvier form of outsourcing—allows organizations to bypass the skills gap and mitigate turnover. Nearshoring can help companies build great teams of professionals who are located in the same time zone, charge reasonable rates, and collaborate directly with in-house teams. (Article)

Great Leaders Manage Complexity with Self-Awareness and Context Awareness

People's perception and expectations on leadership requires a leader to understand their own contextual significance which makes it difficult to become an appreciated leader. Also trivialisation many times unknowingly stands in the way of progress in complex situations. This article explores specific traits that distinguish people who repeatedly provide appreciated and appropriate leadership. (Article)

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