Fed Week Uncertainty Makes For Logical Consolidation Bonds rallied sharply just over a month ago following a downbeat jobs report and other data.  They then consolidated ahead of the early September data before rallying just a bit more.  The present week didn't add much to the broader context and thus presented a good opportunity for another consolidation ahead of a week that's sure to spark some volatility.  Friday's only hope was Consumer Sentiment and it was not up to the task of raising any heart rates.  Bonds began the day in modestly stronger territory and are going out the door at almost the exact same levels. Econ Data / EventsConsumer Sentiment 69.0 vs 68.0 f'cast, 67.9 prev 1yr inflation expectations 2.7 vs 2.8 f'cast, 2.8 prev Market Movement Recap10:30 AM Slightly stronger overnight and giving back some gains in AM hours.  MBS still up 1 tick (.03) and 10yr down 1.1bps at 3.664. 12:55 PM Bouncing back into positive territory into the PM hours.  MBS up an eighth and 10yr down 2.6bps at 3.649 02:31 PM New highs for MBS, up 5 ticks (.16).  10yr down 2.9bps at 3.645
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September 13, 2024
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MBS Commentary
Fed Week Uncertainty Makes For Logical Consolidation Bonds rallied sharply just over a month ago following a downbeat jobs report and other data.  They then consolidated ahead of the early September data... (read more)
Mortgage Rate Watch
We've talked a lot about why the Fed rate cut will have no additional positive impact on mortgage rates next week.  Everything the market can already reasonably foresee about what the Fed might do is already reflected in today's mortgage rates. ... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
“I pay you to handle my loan and give me a good program with a competitive rate, not predict things you can’t.” At a recent event, a top originator told me that a borrower stated that. I continue to see LOs of all types (bank, credit union, IMB, brok... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries