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December 10, 2016


Unhappy Voters Looking to Move Abroad

Here are some issues to discuss with your clients who are considering this option.

LPL Reportedly No Longer Considering a Sale

Diana Britton

The election of Donald Trump, which could lead to a repeal or pullback of the DOL rule, may have played a role in the IBD’s decision to remain independent.

The Secret Feature of Series EE Savings Bonds

Kevin McKinley

A boring, conservative investment offers your clients an exciting potential bonus.

Q&A with Barry Ritholtz on Growing an Advisory Business

Matt Hougan

Matt Hougan of Inside ETFs speaks with Ritholtz on the behavioral biases of investors, the need for flesh-and-blood advisors and why lowering fees for “well-behaved” clients makes sense.

Warren Joins Betterment's Cause to Protect Fiduciary Rule From Trump

Ryan W. Neal

Elizabeth Warren took to social media to voice her support for Betterment CEO Jon Stein and his letter to President-elect Donald Trump.

2016's Best and Worst Cities for Financial Stability Staff

Whether it's making a decision on where to spend retirement or finding how far a buck will go in one city compared to another, the financial impact of relocating is an important consideration for any client looking for a change of scenery.

Don’t Fear the Robo Reaper

Peter Hans

Don’t fear technology, even the technology that’s here to destroy you. Embrace it, own it—because it’s not going away and you can control it.

Advice for the Career Change Advisor

Stephen Boswell and Kevin Nichols

How to make the most out of your prior profession.

When “Happy Holidays” Is an Oxymoron

Amy Florian

Create personalized holiday cards that support your clients in ways others don't.

Take A Ride On The Bearish Bond Train?

Brad Zigler

Interest rates are forecast to rise across the board.