Machinery Demo Day 2017

Dont miss it !
On the 8th of October 2017 at 10am we are holding our open day here at the Cross Agricultural Engineering factory. There will be a huge range of displays taking place on the day. These include: Machinery demos, Beet trial plot demos, tractor demos, static stands, factory tour and much more. Be there. Dont miss out !

Factory Tour:

Cross Agricultural Engineering will be holding a full factory tour on the day. See machines starting as sheets of metal and transforming into a finished assembled machine. Areas in the factory tour include: manufacturing, spray painting and assembly. 

Machinery Demo

Cross Agricultural Engineering will be demonstrating the full machinery range. This includes Ring Rollers, Furrow Press, Beet Washer, Beet Chopper, Beet Harvester and much more 

Crop Trials

Cross Agricultural Engineering have run a beet trial crop over the past 8 months and will be harvesting it on the day. Costings , varieties, sprays and yields will be announced on the day. For anyone looking to grow fodder beet, sugar beet or energy beet in the future, this cant be missed. All seed was provided by Goldcrop. All crop advice was given by Farmhill Agri in Rathangan.
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