Media Winners & Losers

Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow

CNN continued its ratings winning streak on Tuesday, winning the most total day and prime time viewers overall and in the key A25-54 demographic.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow had the most-watched show on cable news, and CNN’s Don Lemon had the most demo viewers. Both MSNBC and CNN again beat Fox News in every ratings metric.

The Rachel Maddow Show was again the most-watched show in all of cable news, with 4.68 million total viewers and 926,000 in the demo. The first hour of CNN Tonight with Don Lemon at 10 p.m. had the most demo viewers in cable news, nearly 1.2 million, and 3.65 million total viewers.

After Maddow on MSNBC, CNN had four of the five most-watched shows in cable news Tuesday: Cuomo Prime Time, with 4.17 million total and 1.16 million demo viewers; Anderson Cooper 360, with 3.94 million total and 1.18 million demo viewers; The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer (5 p.m.), with 3.73 million total viewers and 939,000 in the demo; and Lemon’s first hour of CNN Tonight.

CNN won in prime time with 3.92 million viewers total, and a whopping 1.18 million in the key demo. As for Fox News and MSNBC, read the rest here, from Mediaite+!

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James Comey

Former FBI Director James Comey offered up a plethora of takes about the future of President Donald Trump, some of which seemed to clearly contradict each other.

During a Wednesday evening interview with host Emily Maitlis of BBC’s Newsnight, Comey made the case that the best way forward for the country was to try to minimize the extent to which the federal government focuses its energy on the now-twice impeached president.

When Maitlis asked what precedent it sets if Trump is given a pass for his misconduct just because his term is ending, Comey wound his way through a response of byzantine logic.

“If the appearance of fairness matters, if we arrest drug dealers and shopkeepers, why wouldn’t you extend that same sense of the appearance fairness?” Maitlis pressed.

“I know it’s an odd thing to say given my career and given that the guy has been saying I should be in jail in the last four years,” Comey said, before expounding. “But I’m trying to make a judgment about what’s best for the country. I obviously think he belongs in jail, but I don’t think pursuing that is in the best interest of the entire nation.”

“Do you think Joe Biden should pardon Trump as Ford did Nixon?” Maitlis followed up.

“I don’t know, he should consider it,” Comey replied.

Next came the social media dragging. It was, in all, not a smooth moment for Comey, and an awkward video to boot.

The A-Block


The House voted to impeach President Donald Trump on Wednesday, making him the only U.S. president to have been impeached twice.

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed the articles of impeachment, she did so beside the lectern that was taken by a Trump supporter - who was later arrested - during the very Capitol riots that led to the President's impeachment.

It was during those riots that this text from Congressman Ted Lieu was sent, eventually prompting the impeachment.

Incredibly, Trump had to be convinced not to storm the Capitol himself, during the impeachment hearings.

Reacting to impeachment

On Fox, Sean Hannity called the impeachment "nonsense" and said Sen. Mitch McConnell should "know better" than to be entertaining a post-presidency Senate trial for Trump. And Ainsley Earhardt railed against it on Thursday morning, saying "he lost the election. He’s out. Isn’t that enough?”

On CNN, Pamela Brown reported that Trump is "in self-pity mode" and "increasingly isolated." And Don Lemon torched Republicans for claiming to want "unity" in their objections to impeachment. "The mob was not interested in unity," said Lemon.

Meanwhile, The View's Meghan McCain said that Trump is still "wholeheartedly in charge" of the GOP, and that the division within the party will prevent impeachment in Senate from being successful.

Jake Tapper

CNN's Jake Tapper questioned the loyalty and patriotism of Congressman Brian Mast over his remarks on House floor during the impeachment proceedings, invoking Mast's own loss of limbs by IED to deliver his point.

Tapper faced enormous pushback and criticism over the comments, which he stands by and has doubled down on. Fox's Pete Hegseth ripped into Tapper on Thursday, causing a second round of social and traditional media attention.

In fact, it has come up a lot on Fox News, for which Mediaite's Colby Hall called them out thoroughly today.

Confederate Arrested

Kevin Seefried, the man who made headlines last week for waving a Confederate flag while storming the United States Capitol, was arrested today in Delaware. Which is great.

Trust in Media

High-level New York Post editors have instructed reporters to not use reporting from CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and The New York Times as the sole basis for stories, according to a New York Times report.

Going forward, Post reporters will need to separately confirm the content of a story from one of the four now-forbidden sources before publishing.

From Law&Crime

Former Mike Pence Director of Communications Charged with Felony Perjury in Flint Water Crisis

JUST IN: Trump Fans Who Harassed Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham Put On a No-Fly List 

Supporters of President Trump who harassed Senators Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham in separate airport incidents have been placed on Delta Airlines’ no-fly list.

Dorsey Opens Up About Banning Trump's Twitter

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey posted a statement Wednesday night defending the ban of President Donald Trump and responded to criticism the social network has received over the decision.

The president’s account was permanently suspended last week and the reason Twitter gave cited violations of their Glorification of Violence policy.

In his statement tonight, Dorsey said, “I do not celebrate or feel pride in our having to ban @realDonaldTrump from Twitter, or how we got here. After a clear warning we’d take this action, we made a decision with the best information we had based on threats to physical safety both on and off Twitter. Was this correct?” 

He continued at length, addressing criticism of the decision as well as its impact on how the company might address their own policies and enforcement.

You can read the full thread here.

Must See Clips/Tweets

More National Guard Troops in D.C. Than Iraq, Afghanistan

Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin put the unprecedented state of American politics into a startling data point during a Wednesday report from the nation’s capital, noting that there are now more National Guard troops inside Washington, D.C. than there are deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

"They are on alert," said Griffin, reporting over video from around the city. "There’s barbed wire going up, 12,000 feet of fence have been put up around the Capitol Hill complex in anticipation of the inauguration. There are road blocks across the city with more to come. Tunnels and bridges will be shut down in the coming days.”

"It looks like the Green Zone in Baghdad, it does not look like the U.S. Capitol," Griffin said.

Great reporting and incredible footage.

Links We Like

Conservatives and Liberals on Opposing Riots
-  Miranda Devine, New York Post
No Unity Until His Morally Bankrupt Defenders Get Over Him And Repent
- Tom Nichols, USA Today

The Crash of the Flight 93 Presidency
- Rich Lowry, Politico

The Biggest Lie: Why Mainstream Media Tells Whitewashed Version of MAGA Insurrection
- Michael Harriot, The Root

Republicans Still Don’t Get It
- Dahlia Lithwick, Slate
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