Media Winners & Losers

Rachel Maddow

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow has come back from her coronavirus quarantine stronger than ever, enjoying a steady performance in the ratings.

Maddow returned to the air late last month after quarantining at home after her longtime partner, photographer Susan Mikula, tested positive for Covid-19. In an emotional first show back, Maddow revealed that Mikula had been seriously ill and she had genuinely feared for her life. Fortunately, Mikula pulled through and is recovering. 

Since her return, both The Rachel Maddow Show and MSNBC overall have had some ratings wins, and this past week has been especially good for her. 

On Friday, Maddow had the most-watched program on cable news, with 3.41 million viewers, and was actually the number-one program on all of cable that night. Her show also performed well in the key 25 to 54 year old demo, though she came in third after Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight and Hannity

Maddow repeated the victory Monday night, again winning the blue ribbon for most-watched cable news show, drawing 3.33 million viewers, and 521,000 in the demo. 

Maddow also has a new book out, Bagman, based on her popular podcast about Spiro Agnew, and it's been generating positive buzz. 

Winning ratings, new book, happy personal news: it's been a good month for Maddow so far.

Mellissa Carone

Some people flourish in the media spotlight, like a flower in bright sunlight. For others, the increased attention serves only to exacerbate unfortunate troubles.

Mellissa Carone is in that latter category. 

She first popped into our collective consciousnesses in a viral appearance during a Michigan hearing where Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis attempted to present evidence of election fraud. 

Carone's testimony was unhelpful at best. She had previously submitted an affidavit that a judge ruled made allegations that were "simply...not credible," and proceeded to make claims at the hearing that didn't square with facts or reality. She accused a Michigan legislator of tampering with the poll book and said she had seen "illegals" and "dead people" voting.

Viewers quickly drew a connection between Carone's odd intonations and accusations and a Saturday Night Live character played by Cecily Strong.

Carone's post-hearing press hasn't helped her reputation. Besides having to repeatedly insist that she "wasn't drunk," she dropped another batch of bonkers comments, including accusing the Obamas of funding "that Wuhan lab to make Covid."

Media outlets need to ask themselves if continuing to put Carone in front of a camera is truly newsworthy, or is taking advantage of a troubled person for entertainment value. 

The A-Block

It's the fault of the "so-called bookies"!

At this point, we are assuming President Donald Trump has a giant dartboard on the wall of the Oval Office with random phrases on it, and that's how he finds his newest ways to complain about that election that he really actually lost. 

The latest culprit? The bookies! The "so-called bookies," Trump tweeted, thought he was going to win on Election Night, so therefore President-elect Joe Biden couldn't have possibly won. 

The bookies also thought Hillary Clinton was going to win in 2016, and we all know how that turned out.


Meanwhile, there's a very weird complaint filed by the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton attempting to overturn the election results in four other states. The attorney general of one of those states, Michigan, was very much not amused and popped up on CNN Wednesday to just absolutely scorch Paxton -- both for the lawsuit and for his own personal legal troubles. 

Lawyers who aren't named Sidney Powell have pretty much universally panned Paxton's lawsuit as having less than a snowball-in-Hades' chance of success, but the president is undeterred, vowing that he will join the lawsuit as an intervenor. Oh, and he had some thoughts he shared on Twitter too.

Democratic election lawyer Mark Elias scoffed at the Texas suit as "bizarro world desperation."

Ingraham accuses Zuck of bribing Georgia Republicans

Yep, it's as nutty as it sounds. Fox News' Laura Ingraham suggested that the reason that those pesky Georgia Republican elected officials keep refusing to overturn their own state's election is because they're "on the take" from sources like Wall Street and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg


Ingraham's colleague Lou Dobbs -- who, by the way, is not a lawyer -- was really annoyed that the Supreme Court rejected one of the Pennsylvania cases seeking to overturn the election, calling the court "very cowardly."

Mayor Pete going to China?

Former South Bend Mayor and surprisingly competitive presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is reportedly being considered for a key Biden administration role like ambassador to China

Newsmax maxed out?

Conservative media outlet Newsmax scored their first-ever ratings win over Fox News, but several media observers are skeptical they can maintain that dominance. Among the skeptics: CNN's Don Lemon.

Biden makes Defense pick

Biden has named retired Gen. Lloyd Austin as his pick for Secretary of Defense. Austin would be the first Black man to head the Pentagon, but his nomination is controversial because confirmation would require a waiver for the rule requiring a civilian to take the role; Austin is too recently retired to qualify without a specific waiver.

Must See Clip

Snowball Express goes virtual

Hollywood star Gary Sinise has worked very hard to use his celebrity power for good causes, supporting a variety of worthwhile veterans' charities. 

The Snowball Express is an annual project of the Gary Sinise Foundation, sending the families of fallen soldiers to Disney World. Due to the pandemic, the trip wasn't possible this year, but Sinise got a big gang of his friends together to record a message for the families as part of a virtual celebration. 

With the vaccine finally on the horizon, we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the foundation plans to resume sponsoring the theme park trips again next Christmas.  

Watch the uplifting video, featuring stars like Tom Hanks, Angelina Jolie, Chris Pratt, Keanu ReevesJimmy Kimmel, Garth BrooksTrisha YearwoodKaley CuocoShania TwainJay LenoMichael StrahanRobin Roberts, and even Tim Allen reprising his Toy Story role as Buzz Lightyear. 

Links We Like

The Kraken Is Lackin’: Why courts are dismissing ’Stop the Steal’ lawsuits so quickly and decisively.
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The “two dose” problem for Covid-19 vaccines, briefly explained
- via Vox

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Elizabeth Nolan Brown, via Reason
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