Media Winners & Losers

Rachel Maddow

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow is on a winning streak. The Rachel Maddow Show has been repeatedly one of the top-rated shows in her time slot, including with the crucial advertiser-beloved demographic of viewers ages 25 to 54. MSNBC has been enjoying an overall strong performance across its schedule, seeing major audience gains during former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial.

Maddow also scored the first national televised interview with Fani Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney who is conducting an investigation into Trump's potential criminal conduct regarding his attempts to influence the 2020 election in Georgia -- including specifically the leaked audio recording of Trump's phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

Maddow began the segment with Willis by first asking the DA to correct anything she got wrong or misstated in her summation of the investigation. Maddow had done fine, and Willis confirmed the accuracy of her commentary, but as Maddow acknowledged, she is not a lawyer and it was refreshing to see the interview kick off with a commitment to facts.

The interview itself got deep into the substance of the case, as Willis explained in layman's terms the legal theories involved and why her office was taking the lead on this, as the only office not potentially involved as a witness, since Trump's alleged actions affected so many state agencies.

High ratings and substantive, newsworthy interviews -- that's a winner for sure.

TJ Ducklo

White House deputy press secretary TJ Ducklo reportedly threatened and harassed a Politico reporter who was covering the story of his relationship with an Axios reporter, and the fallout keeps getting worse for the Biden administration. 

Vanity Fair broke the news of a call between Ducklo and Politico reporter Tara Palmeri, on which the Biden aide, furious that Palmeri was looking to report on his relationship, reportedly told her "I will destroy you."

Ducklo also made some insanely sexist comments to Palmeri, according to the report, raising questions as to why a man hired to work in communications is so obviously terrible at his job.

It seems the White House knew about the call, which was made on Inauguration Day. Politico editors met with senior White House officials to complain about it, and Ducklo sent a message of apology to Palmeri.

The White House apparently didn't do anything about it at the time. It took the Vanity Fair report out Friday to spur action: Ducklo was suspended for a week without pay, the White House announced shortly after it was published. It appears that will be the extent of his punishment, prompting many to bring up Biden's own words saying he would fire any staffer who treated a colleague with disrespect. 

The political press corps have loudly condemned Ducklo, even comparing his behavior to the Trump White House. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki got an earful at Friday's press briefing.

The A-Block


Thursday's impeachment proceedings included a video montage of multiple Republicans condemning the violence at the Capitol and calling on Trump to get his supporters to stop. Another video segment showed the rioters bragging about carrying out Trump's will as they stormed the Capitol. 

Sen. Tommy Tubberville (R-AL) said that he told Trump about former Vice President Mike Pence being evacuated from the Capitol when the president called him during the riot, sparking new criticism about Trump's tweet putting Pence in danger.

House Lead Impeachment Manager Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) drew on his skills as a former constitutional law professor to torpedo the attempt by Trump's attorney to assert a free speech defense

It was a compelling and logical argument.

However, as Mediaite founder Dan Abrams pointed out, all of this probably won't matter because the Senators are "making a political decision," not a legal or logical one. 

Trump's defense got their turn Friday, and spent some time attacking the Democrats' argument for relying on "reported" news items. Lawyer Bruce Castor "said the quiet part out loud," as Mediaite's Leia Idliby wrote, making sure to mention to the GOP senators in the audience that no one wanted a primary challenge.

Team Trump had a bit more trouble when asked about Trump's actions during the riot. And they got slammed for claiming Trump didn't know Pence was in danger. Their montage of Democrats and celebrities saying allegedly inflammatory things got a lot of mocking on social media

Watch the proceedings live here.

And get all of Mediaite's coverage, including highlights, video and analysis, throughout the day here.

All the hot takes

Peggy Noonan wrote a scathing Wall Street Journal op-ed, arguing that "those who acquit are voting for a lie."

CNN's Anderson Cooper called out GOP Senators who met with Trump's legal team after Thursday's proceedings. "The fix is likely in," Cooper said. 

CNN's Abby Phillips questioned the Trump defense team bringing up the Georgia call between Trump and Raffensperger, calling it a "baffling" decision. Fox News' Chris Wallace also criticized their tactics, calling their argument "silly" and "insulting half the jury."

A top Missouri paper shredded the state's two Republican senators, Sen. Josh Hawley and Sen. Roy Blunt, for their likely votes to acquit Trump, calling them an "embarrassment" to the state.

Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson complained about the "deafening" criticism of his show and Fox News.

Worse than previously reported

A new report by the New York Times claims that Trump was sicker from Covid-19 than he had previously admitted, with dangerously low blood oxygen levels that almost required him to be put on a ventilator. 

Cuomo in hot water

A top aide for Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) admitted that they basically covered up data regarding nursing home deaths from Covid-19 because they were worried about being investigated by the Trump DOJ. New York Democrats are hopping mad -- along with New Yorkers of all political stripes who lost loved ones from the virus. 

Good news about vaccines

President Joe Biden announced on Thursday an accelerated production of Covid-19 vaccine doses that should allow every American to be vaccinated by the end of July.

Good news for Biden

A CNBC poll showed that Biden has earned higher approval ratings regarding the economy than either Trump or former President Barack Obama

Brain bleach, please 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) might have said a lot of controversial things, but you can't deny her talent for getting her name in headlines. This particular one is pretty dang weird, and we'll just say probably best not to open if you have children around. However, if you're curious why "tantric sex guru" was trending on Twitter yesterday, Mediaite's Caleb Howe has the story here.

Rudy's not-so-common-sense

Rudy Giuliani complained on his radio program that he hoped that Trump's impeachment attorneys were "competent," but he defined competent as being willing to promote the baseless conspiracy theories he said he had on his website.

It turns out we couldn't find any of that "evidence" Giuliani claimed he had posted, but Trump's attorneys did in fact make a similar sort of argument, claiming Antifa was responsible for the Capitol riot

Must See Clip

A little palate cleanser 

There are a lot of stressful stories on the news lately, so here's just a nice little moment with Biden affectionately talking about his "love affair" with Dr. Jill Biden, his dogs Champ and Major, and the Valentine's decorations the First Lady put up at the White House. There's even a fun bit where Biden gives his coffee to a reporter.

Dogs, Valentines, caffeine. Sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon

Links We Like

Trump’s false claim that impeachment violates the First Amendment, explained
- Ian Milhiser, Vox
Leaving Aside Trump's Role in Provoking the Capitol Riot, His Reaction to It Was Enough To Justify Impeachment
- Jacob Sullum, Reason

A Jury of Accomplices
- Charlie Sykes, The Bulwark

Cuomo’s Grim Reaping
- Kyle Smith, National Review
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