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August 19, 2020
He could be a rising star of the party or an alt-right Trojan horse. Or maybe there’s no difference between the two.
By Alex Pareene
QAnon Is Using the Anti-Trafficking Movement’s Conspiracy Playbook

Both are swimming in the same false claims and exaggerated campaigns.

By Melissa Gira Grant
The Obvious Futility of One-Time “Stimulus” Checks

What we’re learning from reports about how people spent their stimulus checks.

By Nick Martin
The Country’s Most Important Climate Election Is Happening in Texas

Chrysta Castañeda could become the first-time Democrat to win statewide elected office since 1994.

By Kate Aronoff
The Lazy Liberalism of Instagram Slideshows

A boom in “instagraphics” indulges the desire to project social-justice values rather than act on them.

By Rachel Hawley
Is Trump Killing His Favorite Industry?

Leasing off oil and gas permits in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge may do more harm than good for fossil fuel producers.

By Kate Aronoff
The Everyday Inspiration for Anna Karenina

Did distractions, disruptions, and gossip shape Tolstoy’s novel as much as long-simmering ideas about morality and desire?

By Jennifer Wilson
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