Media Winners & Losers

Bill Maher

Bill Maher devoted this weekend's ‘New Rule’ segment to highlighting the media’s over-the-top coverage of doom and gloom during the coronavirus, warning that this “panic porn” could end up playing to President Donald Trump’s advantage in the 2020 election.

“Now that we’re staring to see some hope in all this,” Maher said, broadly addressing the media, “don’t hope-shame me.”

“The problem with non-stop doom and gloom is it gives Trump the chance to play the optimist,” Maher noted.

Maher walks a line on his show that frequently finds him in opposition to the predominant media message, and a critic of the industry's self-admiration and liberal pieties. That sometimes earns praise from conservative quarters, which can be a death-knell for a hot take in the predominantly liberal mainstream press.

It helps that he's right in his criticism, making his point in a devastating case with specific examples from the New York Times and other outlets. 

Criticizing the critics is a risky proposition, but it's valuable. And by highlighting the problem he's pointed out something conservative critics can't. Not to any effect, at least.

“Trump calls you ‘fake news,’ don’t make him be right.”

Stephen Moore

Wall Street Journal and CNN contributor Stephen A. Moore was pilloried on social media over the weekend for comparing demonstrators protesting social distancing measures — some of whom carried Confederate flags —  to civil rights icon Rosa Parks, who was arrested for refusing to obey a racist segregation law.

In remarks to the Washington Post, Moore, who is on the president's advisory council for reopening the country, explicitly compared the anti-social-distancing protesters with Parks, and that comparison drew stunned reactions from prominent Twitter users and members of the media.

But as flagged by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Patrick Marley, Moore actually made a similar remark earlier in the week. Out loud and on video.

Appearing on a Youtube show, Moore discussed helping protesters in Wisconsin, and urged more such "civil disobedience."

“This is a great time, gentlemen and ladies, for civil disobedience. We need to be the Rosa Parks here and protest against these government injustices,” he said, including himself in the Parks comparison.

The offensive attempt to paint lockdown protesters as the modern civil rights movement, and appropriation of an icon like Rosa Parks, is peak media hot take madness.

The A-Block

Don't Jump the Gun

Amid growing unrest in several states about the ongoing lockdown, Dr. Anthony Fauci is urging protesters not to demonstrate, and arguing that a premature reopening would “backfire.”

“I think the message is that, clearly, this is something that is hurting from the standpoint of economics, from the standpoint of things that have nothing to do with the virus,” Fauci said on Good Morning America. “But unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery, economically, is not going to happen.”

He explained how going too soon or too fast could undermine the very thing the protesters are claiming to want.

Out of touch

Mediaite founder and ABC News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams said today that President Donald Trump could have much better approval ratings right now if he had taken the right approach in addressing the coronavirus pandemic.

The president siding with the “fringe protesters” calling to reopen the country, Abrams said on his SiriusXM show, puts him “”out of touch with what Americans want, and what Americans want from him.”

Are there no consequences?

Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh is “lying” about the efficacy of the nationwide lockdown in diminishing the spread of coronavirus, his industry colleague Michael Savage said on Monday.

“Are there no standards in the media? no consequences for endangering lives?” said the bombastic conservative about the bombastic conservative.

A tribute killed by trying to kill Fox News

New York Magazine writer and Twitter hot-taker Jonathan Chait shared a New York Times article over the weekend, describing it as a “portrait of a man killed by Fox News.”

The article, from New York Times columnist Ginia Bellafante, is only slightly less explicit than the tweet in pinning death on the network. 

Mediaite's Caleb Howe examines that, and a tweet from Bellafante that undermines the very finger that she's pointing.

Fabulously wrong

“Even well into the outbreak, Limbaugh has been spouting some fabulously wrong information,” said Last Week Tonight host John Oliver of talk radio's Rush Limbaugh.

It's part of this segment shredding all kinds of people for their historically bad takes during the pandemic.

Plain dumb

MSNBC’s Katy Tur went off Monday afternoon on some of the statements made by people gathering in protests against continued quarantine measures and calling for states to be reopened.

"That is just plain dumb, frankly. It’s just plain dumb," said Tur after a report on some of the protesters' concerns.

Must-Watch Clip of the Day

Healthcare workers confront protesters

Video of Denver health care workers standing in front of an anti-stay at home demonstrator amidst the coronavirus outbreak was shared far and wide over the weekend.

The clips, and photos, are sure to become one of the more widely remembered images from this troubled time, and are an illustration of the strange nature of the divide in our country. One that pits the people trying to save lives against those anxious to risk their own.

It's well worth seeing for yourself.

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