Editor's Note: Have you ever wanted to learn how to combine the power of AI stocks with zero-days-to-expiration trades to potentially double your money (or more) in 24 hours? That's exactly what our friend, "Market Wizard" Larry Benedict, is set to reveal this week. Here's Larry with more details...
Dear Tejas, Hi, Larry Benedict here with some big news. Over my 40-year career, I've traded pretty much everything. Call and put options... spreads... currencies... and more. But there's one type of trade I haven't formally recommended to readers until now: Zero-days-to-expiration trades. You may have heard of these trades – they're also called 0DTE, or just "zero-day" trades. Over the past few years, they've grown in popularity – for good reason. They're fast and explosive. It's possible to make massive gains throughout the year in 24 hours or less. What's more, right now is an especially good time to trade them. Just recently, Nvidia fell 17% in a day. A few days later, Palantir jumped 27%. With zero-day trades, you could turn these types of moves into massive gains. That's why I'm coming forward this week to start recommending them, and I'm hoping you'll be willing to give this a try. I'm explaining everything on Wednesday, February 19, at 8 p.m. ET. You'll discover exactly how these unique trades work... Why they're perfect for today's market... The name of one of my top tickers to trade in 2025... And more. Just click here to learn more and add your name to the guest list. Sincerely, Larry Benedict Editor, The Opportunistic Trader |