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You want to give up just because you were finally hoping to grab the grant this time. But have you ever thought about how other fundraisers are managing to access funding at a go?

Are you wondering why some grant proposals win the funds and others fail?

Learn how to conceptualize ideas, conduct research and collect data for ideas, and finally convert your good project ideas into developing engaging proposals.

Do you want to stand out and drive donors' attention towards your NGO?

Well, fundraising is the whole connected loop that starts with finding the suitable donor at the right time for the right reason. 

So here, half of your job is done!

We have searched and found some global grant opportunities that might interest you and need your attention to push your efforts.
  1. 2022 GIF Grant Call is now Open! Funding available for Innovations positively impacting the Poor
  2. USD 9 million for Civil Society and Communities from TB High Burden Countries
  3. LEGO Foundation's USD 143M Global Grant for Early Child Development
  4. Mama Cash's Resilience Fund now open for applications
  5. UNDP Call for Project Proposals on SDG14 (Up to 250,000 USD in grants)
But how to manage and develop an engaging proposal that stands out from others? Learn from our two new courses to better understand what a standard proposal is and the different elements, how to research donors, and prepare your donor database
Get new ideas for your brand strategy! Learn the best and the most valuable tools and techniques for promoting your NGO brand.
Join our new Course on "Digital Marketing for NGOs" that will help you build your brand using an effective digital marketing strategy!
Hurry! The Course is about to start now.
Country-based and Regional Grant Opportunities
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