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August 20, 2021
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Majority of employees are job searching, poll finds
(Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
A PwC poll taken in August shows 65% of workers are searching for a different position, up from 35% in May. Higher pay, expanded benefits and greater flexibility are among reasons workers cite for looking for a different job.
Full Story: CNBC (8/19) 
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Recruiting & Retention
An Axios/Ipsos poll shows 55% of Americans support vaccine mandates from employers, compared to 44% who are opposed, and the results are similar to a Gallup survey in which 52% expressed support. The Gallup poll found employee support for mandates up six points between May and July while only 9% of respondents had experienced mandates from employers.
Full Story: CNN (8/18) 
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Leadership & Development
How can HR drive organization value and resilience?
Address rapid changes in the workforce and capitalize on emerging technology. Putting employees at the center, KPMG helps transform HR with strategy articulation to position you to be agile, relevant and resilient. Learn more.
Benefits & Compensation
The Biden administration will be investing more than $19 million to expand telehealth services in underserved and rural communities. The funds, administered through the HHS Health Resources and Services Administration, will be distributed to 36 award recipients and will be used to train primary care providers, pilot new telehealth services, support groups that provide virtual care and research the efficacy of telehealth in rural areas.
Full Story: Healthcare Dive (8/18) 
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The HR Leader
Leaders can improve diversity in their organizations by making it part of the culture, widening their definition of diversity and setting the example for others, writes Arthur Woods, co-founder of Mathison. "As leaders, our personal stories, identities, and experiences bring important perspectives to advance diversity in our organizations, and every action is progress," Woods writes.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (8/19) 
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Workplace Chatter
If you are looking for some serenity, a few of these award-winning photos definitely hit the mark.
Full Story: TechRadar (8/19) 
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About the Editor
Kanoe Namahoe
Kanoe Namahoe
This section usually comments on a story running in the current issue. Today, though, I want to call your attention to former FBI agent LaRae Quy's story about building resilience that ran in yesterday's SmartBrief on Workforce.

Too many stories about developing resilience are nothing more than feel-good drivel filled with empty platitudes. They sound pretty but lack depth and advice that can lead to actual change.

Quy doesn't do platitudes. She's all about the real, the practical, the actionable. I was most intrigued by her insights on the concept of hope. There was no trace of the usual fluff associated with that word. Hope, she says, was her defense against the depression, anxiety and despair that assailed her when an injury threatened to derail her FBI career ambitions. It gave her the "kick in the ass to work out in a gym on a daily basis."

I get it. Hope moves me too. It helps me take action and see possibilities in thorny situations.

What about you? Is hope a help or hype? Let me know! And if you enjoy this brief, tell others so they can benefit also.
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My basic view of things is -- not to have any basic view of things.
Ingmar Bergman,
film director, screenwriter, producer
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