Thrifty Tips (April 09, 2019)
Littergitter has a great DIY for picking up trash in your neighborhood, local parks or roadways. Take your kids and teach them early about the importance of cleaning up after yourself and others.

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Today's Featured Post

Make a Difference By Picking Up Trash

By littergitter

Make a Difference By Picking Up Trash - clean roadsideIf you want something done, sometimes you just have to do it yourself.

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Today's Guides
Week 14: Bone Broth
A jar of homemade bone broth.
Finding the Value of Brinn Porcelain Dolls
Brinn Porcelain Doll. Doll in green dress with ecru lace and lacy ruffled hat.
Removing Permanent Marker from Clothing with Isopropyl Alcohol
Permanent marker covered by isopropyl alcohol to remove stains.
Using Mint to Keep Bees/Wasps from a Hummingbird Feeder
A hummingbird and a hornet going for the same hummingbird feeder.
Avocado Trees Losing Leaves
Avocado with dying leaves.
40th High School Reunion Ideas
Two old friends at a party, each holding a glass of wine.
Today's Posts

Crispy Garlic Parmesan Asparagus

By attosa

finished Crispy Garlic Parmesan AsparagusThis is such a fabulous asparagus recipe for many reasons. Besides it tasting absolutely divine, it's a cinch to put together and will not go floppy on you. Just pop it in the oven, remove in 8 minutes, and you'll have a perfectly cooked, crisp side dish.

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Paper Rocket Toy

By 15mhhm15

Paper Rocket Toy - doneMy son loves making rocket-ships, helicopters, and plane crafts! This is another paper rocket-ship version we made together. It is very easy to make and fun for your child to play with!

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Getting a Kitten/Cat to Come Down from a Tall Tree

By Robyn

Recently my kitten climbed a tall tree. She stayed up there, it seems like forever. She would not come down. I got my phone and took a video of her meowing. I played the video for her. She came down.

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Cross Stitch Patterns for Crochet

By Sandy

Cross Stitch Patterns for CrochetTired of looking for crochet patterns in all the same places? I found cross stitch patterns are very easy to use. Each square is a single crochet. When changing colors, just place the one you aren't using on top of previous row and crochet over it until you need the color again.

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One Dollar Bill for Emergency Measurements

By rbeard729

A dollar bill next to a measuring tape showing six inches.I've done this many times and it will work in a pinch. A dollar bill measures barely much over 6 inches of length. When a measuring tape or ruler is not within reach, a 6 inch dollar bill can give you a close figure. Fold in half, and it would be 3 inches. It is kind of handy to measure lengths of nails, bolts, screws, etc. It's not as precise as a tape measure, but will work.

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Growing an Avocado Seed

Avocado SeedGrowing an avocado plant from the pit is a great project for kids to do. It is so easy.

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We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.

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Today's Questions
Dead Animal Smell in House at Night
I have a terrible odor that comes at night and remains until morning. It smells like a dead animal. But it's been going on for months. It's the bedroom next to the bathroom. The bathroom sink is vented. It seems better when I leave the windows shut and have the AC on. I live in Florida and have city sewer.
Value of Antique Table and Chairs
Value of Antique Table and Chairs - dining table with ornate cross bracing
2010 Craftsman LT2000 Riding Mower Won't Start
I have a 2010 Craftsman LT2000 riding mower with a Briggs & Stratton engine. It will not start. When I turn the ignition it either clicks a bunch of times or spins once or twice, but doesn't turn over. I replaced the spark plug, adjusted the valves, got a new battery, and it still won't start. I did notice that it is slowly leaking gas somewhere.
Identifying an Old Reel Mower
Identifying an Old Reel Mower - old mower without the handle
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