A bell pepper, red onion, and olive thin crust pizza!
Summer pizzas! Light, healthy, and quick!
Get the mix you need for free!
Dennis Weaver
We've thought of thin-crust pizzas as summer fare--quick and easy and loaded with favorite veggies.

I love summer squash, fresh green beans, new red potatoes, and garden-ripe tomatoes. You guessed it--we've made pizzas with each.

They're always made with thin crusts, sometimes as thin and crispy as a cracker. (You don't need to let a crust like that rise.) Often we use dips and spreads instead of tomato sauce, and sometimes only olive oil.
FREE! Get the pizza mix you need for thin crust pizzas!
roller pizza
First you need dough without "springback" or else it'll keep bunching and you'll never get a nice thin crust. Solve that with a dough relaxer. That will give you a soft, easy dough that will roll smooth and stay thin.

Your free mix has dough relaxer in the mix. If you roll it thin, you'll get two or three pizzas from your mix.

Get the pizza roller for $2.00, regular $6.99!

Second, you need a pizza roller to roll out your thin crust right in the pan.
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