Will we still see you tomorrow at 11 AM ET for the GOLD briefing
Just a friendly reminder to join Jeffry Turnmire and me for the urgent briefing tomorrow at 11 AM ET.

With the largest asset in the world - GOLD - sitting at record high prices this year…

It’s the perfect time to reveal how he targets gold for income on the weekends.

Although we can’t guarantee results or against losses, not only is Jeffry’s hand-crafted indicator showing an astounding 85.7% win rate on LIVE trades so far…

It also just fired a “Buy Entry” signal every gold trader should be very excited about!

And he’s ready to share all the details with you LIVE tomorrow at 11 AM ET.

Make sure you’ve finished your registration so you don’t miss a minute.

See you on the flip side,


P.S. I’ll also be there with Jeffry tomorrow, so make sure you come see me!

Disclaimer: The profits and performances shown are not typical and you may lose money. The majority trades expressed are from historical backtested data in order to demonstrate the potential of the new system. From 11/22/2023 - 4/19/2024 on live trades the win rate has been 85.7% with an average return of 35% (winners and losers) with an average hold time of 2 days.