Dear John,

Today, is a special day! An extra day to do whatever you want. February 29th comes every four years during leap year and you get to choose how you are going to use it.

I encourage you to take the leap from ordinary to extraordinary and this requires you to develop three things:

  • The right Mindset - the habit of right thinking
  • The right Strategy - the habit of right planning
  • The right Action - the habit of right implementing

Take today and reflect on what it is you really want to accomplish in 2020 and then write out the mindset you will need to accomplish it, the strategy to make it happen, and the action plan to get it done.

Need some help? The book Choose To Win goes into detail on how you can make this happen.

Even better - come join us at a live event coming to a city near you on the Choose To Win Tour.

Take the leap!

Choose To Win!

Tom Ziglar


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306