Dear John,
Make your day by making some else's day.
Here is a challenge for you.
Think of a friend, loved one, family member, or coworker.
Now write down 5 things that you are grateful for about that person.
Now send it to them by txt, email, social media, or phone message.
Here is my example for you:
Dear Ziglar fans: 5 Reasons I am grateful for YOU!
- YOU send me encouraging notes all of the time!
- YOU share the Ziglar philosophy with others.
- YOU are committed to growing and that inspires me to keep going.
- YOU guard our reputation by letting us know when something seems wrong.
- YOU care!
I am blessed and grateful for you!
Now let someone you care about know you are blessed and grateful for them.
Choose To Win!
P.S. The Complete Ziglar Sales Library is now over 92% off! AND the first 50 orders will get an exclusive Over the Top Replica complete with notes in the margins from Dad, and dog eared pages!