Network Computing
November 06, 2021
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cybersecurity Can Be Made Agile Using a Zero-Shot AI Approach
Zero-shot AI can function as an almost omnipresent figure that’s constantly analyzing logs, network traffic, and user actions to scan for irregularities.

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LEO Satellite Broadband: Top Considerations for Enterprise IT
The low-earth orbit satellite (LEO) space race is underway and warrants watching and continued evaluation.
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Cloudsourcing Your Way to Network Optimization
Cloud-managed network services use cloudsourcing and AI to see what types of network configurations produce ideal network performance.
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A Look Inside Modern Design Principles for Secure Boot in CPU Hardware
Secure boot features are typically customizable and capable of being turned on or off by the OEM. The question then arises of which mode should be the default.
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  • RPA: Key Drivers for Time to Value

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) offers a range of demonstrable business benefits. Yet, the technology is new enough that adopters may be concerned about the time it takes to realize value and Return on Investment (ROI) from an RPA project. This ...

  • Zero Trust with HP Wolf Enterprise Security

    The concept of zero trust was coined a decade ago and has steadily and legitimately evolved to enter the modern enterprise IT security architecture. In this document, HP presents an overview of zero trust and discusses how HP furthers this ...

  • The New Frontier Of Endpoint Management

    Enterprises are playing pandemic catch-up as they continue to adjust to the explosion of remote and hybrid workers. The results from this Forrester survey of nearly 800 IT decision-makers highlight the need for improved, modern endpoint management. See how IT priorities ...


  • Modernizing Cybersecurity Through a Single Solution Approach

    In 2021, ransomware attacks increased in triple-digit percentages. Cyberattacks have become regular staples in the news, and cybersecurity strategies must continue to transform in order to thwart ever-evolving threats. Organizations have invested in myriad tools and security systems to protect their ...

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The New Normal is Insecure by Default
Organizations are tacitly agreeing to accept greater risk by moving quickly without equal attention to security. The new normal we heard so much about throughout the pandemic is apparently “insecure by default.” Read More
The Three Stages of Monitoring on the Road to Observability
Getting to an advanced level of observability requires a monitoring evolution from reactive to proactive, and, finally, prescriptive monitoring. Read More
Customized COSU Device Management Solutions
Once connected to the network, COSU devices should be monitored to determine where they are located and whether use conforms to policy guidelines. Read More
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