Lilia Tollefsen, the CEO of Oahu’s Gunstock Ranch, gestures at long rows of tiny trees, their heart-shaped leaves quavering in the island breeze. -- Read and share our stories!
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Native Forest | Photo courtesy of Melanie Haiken

Lilia Tollefsen, the CEO of Oahu’s Gunstock Ranch, gestures at long rows of tiny trees, their heart-shaped leaves quavering in the island breeze. “Our goal,” she says, “is to make the trees more valuable in the ground than out of it."

Tollefsen is showing me and a small group of would-be foresters the latest project of the Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative. The saplings we’re planting are monarch milo trees, one of the original “canoe plants” brought to the islands from Polynesia by the first islanders, who used their wood to carve outrigger canoes and bowls.

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The Latest Issue of Sierra MagazineCheck out the new May/June issue.

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