The scams seniors fall for most - And how to spot them Tons of scams happen every day. According to the latest FBI report, there is a higher chance of the victim being a senior citizen. It cost them nearly $2 billion in 2021. Yikes! We've got details on viral scams to watch for and a few ways to outsmart the thieves. Twitter warning: If you reset your password, we have bad news Do you use Twitter on multiple devices? If so, we have bad news. A glitch in the system kept your account logged into other devices if you reset your password on one of them. We've got details on what happened and the risks involved. This woman's home was stolen right from under her - Don't let it happen to you Do you know a crook can steal your home right out from under you? In a case of home title theft, a thief uses fake identification to refile your title in their name. Once it clears, they can sell the home and pocket the money. We'll detail a recent example and include tips on preventing falling victim. |