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The Stretch Database Retirement

Stretch Database is finally going away. It is being retired. It was deprecated on Nov 16, 2022, from SQL Server 2022. Effective Jul 9, 2024, the supporting Azure service is retired. I saw this in an announcement on Jul 3, though I hope anyone using this service has been seeing lots of reminders over the last couple of years. I know I'm getting MySQL retirement notices for one of my services and need to migrate some workloads this month.

If you tried this service, you might have realized that the pricing didn't make sense for most of us. If you hadn't tried it, it worked by moving some of the data in your tables into Azure, where it could be queried if needed. It was an interesting idea, though most of us would have wanted this to work between two SQL Server instances, not between SQL Server on-premises and Azure.

In any case, if you're on an older version of SQL Server, the recommendation is that you bring your data back on-premises. If you have SQL Server 2022, they recommend CETaS (Create External Table as Select), which lets you query data in Azure storage. This lets you put some data in text formats and query it as needed, reducing the use of expensive relational storage disks. Parquet is the recommended format here. There's also a weird mention of Fabric in the announcement, which doesn't seem to fit with the objective of the rest of article.

I haven't worked with this enough to know how well this performs or what patterns might fit here. I do know that reducing the queries from clients, especially SELECT * and unbounded queries across all your data helps. If your clients always want to query all data in a table, then nothing works well. Building systems that query hot data by default, and filter away from warm/cold data is always helpful. Having some good indexing is also important.

I don't know of anyone that uses Stretch Database, so I'm not sure how many people are affected here, but I hope they knew about this before Jul 9.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Manage OneLake Storage With PowerShell - Data Engineering with Fabric

John Miner from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to manage files and folders in Microsoft Fabric with PowerShell.

External Article

Redgate recommended in Bloor Test Data Management market update

Additional Articles from Redgate

Last year, Redgate announced the launch of their latest in test data management (TDM) technology – Redgate Test Data Manager. This year, they’re proud to have been recommended in Bloor’s 2024 Test Data Management Market Update! This paper highlights the increasing adoption of TDM technology among enterprise organizations and offers insight into the trends and approaches to look out for when looking for a TDM solution.

External Article

Docker Logging Guide Part 1: Basic Concepts and Importance

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Docker has gained popularity as a containerization platform that allows you to develop, deploy, and execute applications faster. It packages applications and their dependencies into standardized entities known as containers. These containers are lightweight, portable, and capable of operating independently.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Create a copy of an Azure SQL DB

hellosqlkitty from SQLKitty

Where I work, we will be migrating data from one set of databases into another. I will be making a copy of the destination databases to allow us to...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Exploring Windows Function Execution Plans

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

There are quite a few different ways that you’re likely to see windows functions evidence themselves within your execution plan. Let’s take a look at one example. Windows Function...

Pro Encryption in SQL Server 2022

Pro Encryption in SQL Server 2022: Provide the Highest Level of Protection for Your Data

Additional Articles from SQLServerCentral

This in-depth look at the encryption tools available in SQL Server shows you how to protect data by encrypting it at rest with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and in transit with Transport Level Security (TLS). You will know how to add the highest levels of protection for sensitive data using Always Encrypted to encrypt data also in memory and be protected even from users with the highest levels of access to the database. The book demonstrates actions you can take today to start protecting your data without changing any code in your applications, and the steps you can subsequently take to modify your applications to support implementing a gold standard in data protection.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Reducing Backup and Restore History

How do I easily reduce the old data contained in the backup and restore tables in the msdb database?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The First Day of the Week

If I run this, what day is the first day of the week?


Answer: Monday

Explanation: This returns Monday, regardless of the language. Ref: DATEFIRST -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
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SQL Server 2017 - Development
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SQL Server 2016 - Administration
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SQL 2012 - General
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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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Reporting Services
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SQL Server 2022 - Administration
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SQL Server 2022 - Development
how to bulk insert a file on a azure sql server managed instance - Don't know if this is the right place for this topic. I have an internal azure sql server managed instance and am trying to read or write a file to the file system. As i understand, there is no file system on a sql server managed instance. Is there a way to add a file […]


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