Get on board the Money and Manifesting train today!

Dear Friends,

Welcome to August! If you read my newsletter last month then you know the theme was motivation. I hope you have had a chance to sit quietly and examine whether you lack motivation in your life. I want to use that new energy of motivation stirring in your body and move that energy into manifesting energy. When we hear the word manifesting, a lot of people tend to think about money, and indeed the skill of manifesting is great for bringing more money into your life. But you can also use manifesting energy to manifest other things in your life, such as a relationship, good health, your dream job, new friendships, or starting a nonprofit company. Whatever you can dream and have as your heart's desire, you can use manifesting energy to get you there.

I'm fairly good at manifesting. It hasn't always been that way, but once I learned the techniques it became easy and fun to walk through the process. My eight-year old son is a natural at manifesting--he continually draws to him what he needs and wants in his life. People ask me if they think it is part of the evolutionary process that the new generation is born with this gift, or is it because he is raised in a household where energy and intuition is honored. I would say the answer is a little of both. I wasn't raised in a household that talked about these things, so if I can do it, you can too!

Let's not kid ourselves, though. Manifesting doesn't happen just by sitting on your sofa and making a wish list. It does require work on your part. Below I have outlined four of our online courses that can help you achieve your manifesting goals. In each course the author will walk you through the steps so that the work required won't seem like work at all. It will feel joyful and even be fun.

Make Yourself a Money Magnet by Ellen Whitehurst. For 27 days you will receive a new daily lesson. Here, you will learn to release the fear caused by financial instabilities, remove barriers to wealth, create an environment that attracts money to you, and much more. more info

Heal Your Money Karma by Spencer Sherman and Brent Kessel. From the moment you sign up, you will receive a new weekly lesson for eight weeks. It is time to break the family cycle around money that you inherited from your parents. In this course you will learn to become less impulsive around money, need less to make you happy, make wise money decisions, and plant new positive money messages in your consciousness. more info

Attracting Genuine Abundance by Gay Hendricks. This is an eight-week course for a total of eight lessons. Make the law of attraction work for you. Learn the fundamentals of the law of attraction, the mistakes most people make, and why their manifesting projects fail. more info

Manifest Miracles in Days by Sara Wiseman. This four-week course will teach you the four steps to creating miracles in your life. Each lesson will take about an hour of combined audio and writing time; some lessons use meditation and some lessons will ask you to step out into the world. more info

Thank you for continuing to amaze me with your life transformation stories. I love receiving your emails and hearing about the changes you are making in your lives. I'll see you back here next month.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor