Good morning, Marketer, are you thinking about the future?.

The metaverse isn’t here yet, but we’re making it now. That’s what contributor Lisa Peyton reminds us in her thoughtful manifesto about a framework for building an open network of interconnected virtual worlds.

Marketers and users will each play a part in the creation of the future metaverse. To make it sustainable, the spaces will have to be inclusive and meaningful.

Chris Wood,

Manifesto for the makers of the metaverse

We must act as advocates for our audiences, ensuring their inalienable rights are honored and respected in these new digital spaces.

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Oracle launches industry-specific AI models for its Unity CDP

Oracle announces vertical-specific models for the Unity CDP and talks about connecting front- and back-office to boost CX.

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What is the metaverse and how can we get there?

Two experts discuss virtual worlds and how marketers can connect with metaverse users.

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How to get more out of your email marketing

Enhance your marketing strategy and get more out of your email campaigns with these insights.

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What are the key elements of successful ABM strategies?

This free MarTech report looks at why B2B companies use ABM software and describes the key elements of successful ABM strategies and the capabilities ABM tools provide. It also compares 13 top vendors.

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How B2B marketers can leverage the metaverse

Why should consumer brands have all the virtual fun?

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100+ questions you must ask when developing a website

Building a website isn't solely about making it look pretty. Marketing comes first. To ensure you're on the right track, make sure you can answer these 100 questions.

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Email marketing is continually developing. Are you keeping up?

External factors like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email mean that marketers continually need to adapt. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date.

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How do you hire a marketing technologist?

Employers and candidates may not even be speaking the same language in this emerging sector. So how do you stand out and connect with top talent in a competitive market?

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Explore the fall season of MarTech

More than 60 free sessions showcasing tools, technologies, and solutions — plus data-rich case studies from world-class brands like Coca-Cola and Atlassian… the complete fall edition of MarTech is here!

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