外資系製薬会社の神戸研究所をリニューアルするにあたり、研究所が所在する神戸市とドイツの某都市のフュージョンシティをMariya Suzukiが制作しました。アクリルパネルにはドイツの街の特徴的な赤い屋根や、歴史を感じさせるお城やタワーが描かれています。ガラス面には神戸の街並みが描かれており、右側に行くにつれて徐々にドイツの研究所風景へと変わっていく様子が表現されています。
For the renewal of the Kobe Research Institute of a global pharmaceutical company, TokyoDex engaged Mariya Suzuki to create artwork that seamlessly blends the vibrancy of Kobe City with the charming beauty of a German city. It's a true work of art that transports visitors to a captivating realm where two cultures come together in perfect harmony. To further enhance the experience, our team proposed the installation of film and acrylic panels to utilize the light boxes at the entrance. The artwork on the acrylic panels feature red roofs, castles, and towers that are characteristic of German cities while the work on the glass panels showcases the iconic cityscape of Kobe. It gradually transforms into a German landscape as you move to the right, taking visitors on a journey that's visually captivating. |